Last week we attended Harper's very first school conference...yes, they start them in preschool now! It was so much fun to see and hear how she is doing in school so far. Academically, she is doing wonderful! Socially, she is improving, but still has much more room to grow. {Our main goal enrolling her in 3-year-old preschool was for social skills.}
Academically: The teacher reports no problems in this area (yay)! She knows all of her letters, shapes, numbers, colors, etc. She is able to sort by color, shape, and size. She can write her name and draw a self-portrait. One page in her "progress book" that got me all emotional was a picture of a happy face and a sad face, and she had to say what made her happy and sad. Happy = my mommy, Sad = when my mommy and daddy leave. Oh that still makes me tear up, it breaks my heart whenever we have to leave her!
Socially: Harper pretty much only talks to her teachers. At the beginning of the year she was their shadow. At recess she plays by herself or stands by the teachers. Now she is slowly starting to play with the other kids, which I'm not too terribly worried about because it is normal at the preschool age to engage in parallel play. (when kids play next to each other, not with each other.) Harper still will not answer a question in front of the large group. She loves to dance and sing though!
At Home: Harper practices writing her name almost everyday. We are working on patterning, counting to 100 (she can count to 39 right now, and can count to 100 by 10's), writing all numbers and letters
Goals: Writing our last name, learning beginning sounds of each letter
2018 End of Year Interviews!
6 years ago