
Wiggle Worm

As I mentioned in my last post, Harper is now mobile! I don't know how she does it, but she is never in the same place as she started.

Example 1) This is how I found Harper in her crib one morning. Her feet are where her head is SUPPOSED to be! There is rarely a morning that I find her in her original sleeping position.

Example 2) I placed her UNDER the toy but when I came back into the room a few minutes later she had moved from under it and off the blanket!


Happy Birthday

Happy Belated Birthday to Adam!!!!!!!

Yesterday Adam turned 31!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was such a crazy day yesterday that I didn't have time to blog. Adam probably didn't have the best birthday because he had to wake up after only getting 4 hours of sleep so we could attend a funeral back in Northwood. Then we had to rush back home so he could go to work again. Luckily he has today off - so I think he'll pretty much sleep all day! We are meeting his whole family tonite in Mason City for supper to celebrate.

Adam now shares his birthday with my friend Terra's baby - Mason Louis Barlow was born yesterday morning! Congrats to Terra, Dave and Baby Mason! He is a cutie! Harper now has 3 boyfriends: Braylon, Jack, and Mason!


Rolling Over

Harper is now mobile! In the past few days she has been rolling over from her tummy to her back! She only knows how to roll to the right so far :) It is so funny to watch her because she does it in such slow motion - she has to let her big head lead the way :)

EVERY TIME we lay her on her tummy she rolls over to her back - I read that when babies learn a new skill they use it a lot, at least until it is no longer new and entertaining to them. So I'm hoping within a few weeks she'll go back to having tummy time so we can work on our next skill - CRAWLING! Well, we still need to master rolling from back to tummy, and sitting up.

Here is a video of her S L O W L Y rolling over!


Happy Sunday!

Isn't she BEAUTIFUL?!
I came across this quote the other day: "Every parent thinks they have the most beautiful child, and they're right."

Harper gets to spend the day with daddy because mommy has to work at the hospital from 2 - 10. GO VIKINGS!!!!


Baby Whisperer

I went up to the library yesterday to look for some books on getting babies to nap better. I had a few titles in my mind that I was looking for but then ran across The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems by Tracy Hogg. So far it's an excellent book and wish I would've read it BEFORE Harper was born, or at least in the early weeks. Harper is a pretty happy baby until it's time to take a nap - she does not know how to put herself to sleep so she fights her fatigue. Adam and I are 100% to blame for this because we allowed her to become dependent upon a prop to fall asleep - her swing or one of us. The book calls this accidental parenting - when you start a bad habit in order to make things easier at the time. Adam and I both agree that it is our fault for Harper only being able to fall asleep in her swing or by being rocked by one of us. Luckily we acknowledge that it is a problem and it will only get worse as she gets older. It'll be kind of hard to fit a 2 year old in a swing! So we're nipping it in the bud now!

Tracy Hogg, the author, is like Super Nanny, but for babies! She travels around the world helping parents teach their babies how to eat, sleep and behave. Babies thrive on routine, which is her solution to solving all problems. She calls her solution E.A.S.Y. - eat, activity, sleep, you time. Her routine is 4 hours in duration and is to be repeated 3 times throughout the day. But before I can start her plan, I have to get Harper on a 4 hour eating schedule, right now she is eating every 3 hrs and 15 minutes. The book explains a plan on how to do this - so hopefully by next week she'll be eating every four hours. I will actually probably wait another week to start because Adam will be in Des Moines the first week of February for a law enforcement class. The book strongly suggests that you have you partner be involved in this process because it can/will be tiring during the first two days. If all goes as planned, she should be adjusted to the routine and putting herself to sleep within 5-7 days. If a baby is younger than 4 months it may take less time, but if a baby is older than 4 months it will take more time.

SO - I know that there are a lot of new mommies and expecting mommies that follow my blog. Although I haven't implemented this routine yet with Harper, I highly recommend reading this book. When I do start the plan, I will be sure to blog about the progress and let you know if it works. Some of you may be thinking that it is ridiculous to try to parent from a book - and I do agree - I almost always follow my motherly instincts. However, I really need help breaking a bad habit that I started. Right now Harper takes 3 or 4 catnaps during the day - and shes tired relatively soon after waking. Which tells me that something isn't right. But she does sleep great at night! After she adjusts to the E.A.S.Y. routine she will take a 2 hr nap in the morning, a 2 hr nap in the afternoon, a catnap around supper, and sleep uninterrupted from 7 pm to 7 am! Sounds too good to be true, right?!?! Wish US luck!


Dry Skin

Tis the season for dry skin! After the two weeks of bitter cold and dry air, Harper's poor skin is not so baby soft anymore. Although baby lotion smells amazing - I don't think it does the greatest job of keeping skin moist. I started rubbing baby oil on Harper after her bath's but that does not seem to help. Anyone have any suggestions for dry baby skin? Keep in mind that the lotion needs to be safe for their delicate and sensitive skin. I thought about trying the Aveeno baby lotion, Cural, or Lubriderm. Please post any suggestions you may have!

PS - Harper is taking a nap right now in her crib! Only her second time napping in her crib. I laid her down when she was tired and she put herself to sleep without any fussing! Yay! I decided that I need to put my foot down and break the habit of her napping in her swing or in our arms. She needs to learn how to soothe herself and put herself to sleep. I read in Parents Magazine that you can start 'sleep training' your baby at 4 months. I've always been too afraid of dealing with her whining if I laid her down in her crib - but in the long run it'll be worth it. Wish us luck tonite at bedtime because I am not planning on rocking her to sleep!



One year ago from today is when we found out that we were blessed with the gift of life! January 17th is a day that I will always remember - it was a very emotional day!

It was your usual Saturday- not much going on - we were bumming around the house - and I think out of boredom I though to myself that there was a SMALL possibility that I could be pregnant. I had just taken a pregnancy test at the end of December the day before we left for Las Vegas - it was negative. I wasn't having any pregnancy symptoms but I just has this feeling that I could be pregnant. With only having one test left, I really didn't want to 'waste' it because the best results occur in the morning and it was now after lunch. But there was no way that I was going to wait until morning - so I went upstairs to the bathroom - took the test - and waited those awful long 2 minutes! I remember being so nervous to look at the results - POSITIVE - HOLY $#*@!!!!!!! I was shaking as I took the test downstairs so show Adam. My stomach was in knots! I didn't even say anything to him - just showed him the test - he stood up and gave me a long hug and we cried tears of joy! It was a great day! I then spent the rest of the afternoon on the Internet researching pregnancy/baby stuff.

It's hard to believe that Harper has been 'with us' for a year now! It's been awesome and we wouldn't want life any other way!


FREE prints

Here is another promo code for dirt cheap prints. Log into shutterfly and type in promo code 75FREE to receive up to 75 free 4 x 6 prints and you only pay the shipping! This deal expires on January 20th so hurry over to shutterfly this weekend! Here is a picture that I will be ordering :)


New Adventures

Harper had two new 'firsts' today - sitting in her high chair and eating rice cereal from a spoon. She had her 4 month wellness check today and we got the "OK" to start her on rice cereal. Of course she wanted nothing to do with it - but we'll keep trying. I put a little cereal in her bedtime bottle because she's been waking up around 3 or 4 in the middle of the night -she hasn't done that for about a month now. We're not sure what her deal is - but think she may be in the early stages of teething. If it is her teeth - we'll have to buy some baby orajel. But we're hoping the cereal will do the trick for now! Harper has been showing some common signs of teething in the past month or so - A LOT of drooling, chewing on her hands, rosy cheeks and waking up at night. She even had a low-grade fever of 99.5 today at daycare. Despite of her teething signs, she has been a very happy baby!
Harper did great at her wellness check today! She was smiling at talking to the nurses and Dr. Nagel. Of course I had to take her around to my co-workers and show her off -everyone loved her up! Harper lucked out today because the clinic ran out of the shots she was supposed to get - so we'll go back on Monday for those! She weighed in at 15 lbs 12 oz and was 25 1/4 inches long. She was at the 90th % for both height and weight ~ Dr. Nagel said she is growing well and in proportion!

I think I like this thing~ Thanks Grandma Dawn and Grandma June!
My first time eating cereal - I look like such a big girl!
Alright Mom - I don't like it!

The aftermath

I also had a 'first' today ~ it was my first day back to school in 3 years! I'm only taking one class right now - Human Anatomy and Physiology - a pre-requisite to start nursing school. I will start nursing classes this fall at Iowa Central. I'm very excited to start this new journey! It's not that I don't enjoy teaching - it's just that after 3 years I am unable to find a full-time job in the teaching field. I told myself that if I didn't get a teaching job for the 2009-2010 school year I would go back to school. I can't sit around and wait for something to fall in my lap - I need to be proactive about my career. I should graduate with my Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) in May 2012 - at that point I would be a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN). Iowa Central offers a BSN program via The University of Iowa - which is a one year program and would certify me as Registered Nurse (RN). I would finish the RN program in May 2013. Wish me luck on this adventure! I am a little sad to be leaving education - but I know that I can always come back to it. I'm more sad that I have $20,000 in student loans and have no job to show for it! Having my education degree may give me more opportunities as a nurse - I can be a school nurse and also teach health class, teach nursing classes at a college, be a health education coordinator at a medical facility, etc. I guess everything happens for a reason - someday I'll know why I went to school to be a teacher.


Penny Prints

Snapfish is having a great sale on prints right now - 50 PRINTS FOR 50 CENTS!

This deal is only go through January 11th (tomorrow) so hurry and order your pictures now! Any prints after the 50 are only 9 cents each. I ordered 50 prints and my total with shipping was right around $4.00! I always wait until snapfish has good deals to order pictures. I usually have my 'cart' ready to go with pictures and just wait for a good deal.



17 Weeks

Dear Baby Harper,

I cannot believe that you are 17 weeks old today! My how time flies when you're having fun! Everyday you continue to amaze us - you bring so much love and laughter to our life! At the end of each day I am in awe at how much more my love grew for you in the past 24 hours. My heart is overflowing with love and I wonder if my heart has any more room - but the next day comes and I love you even MORE - it's amazing how love works :)
I love when you are awake and playful. I love your smile. I love your squeal. I love when you search the room to find me, then flash me a bashful smile and look away. I love the way you always have to hold my hand when I feed you. I love the birthmark on your leg. I love your facial expression in the seconds before you get in the bathtub. I love the way you smell after you get out of the bathtub. I love the noises that you make while you're eating. I love your chubby legs. I love your chubby wrists - it looks like you have rubber bands around them :) I love your little dimple. I love that you are starting to enjoy being rocked again. I love the snorting sound you make when you cry. Harper, I love EVERYTHING about you!


PS - sorry no there is no picture - we've had a boring week
PPS - Harper has her 4 month check up on Wed - check back then for her stats


I Love the 00's

As I was making the previous blog about 2009, it got me thinking about the decade in general. Adam and I agreed that the 2000's will be hard to top in our books. The past 10 years have been life changing for the both of us - let's take a walk down memory lane once again.

2000 - Adam graduated from the Iowa Law Enforcement Academy and landed his first job as a police officer in Northwood

2002 - Brooke started school at the University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls
Adam accepted the Chief of Police job in Nora Springs

2004 - Brooke turned 21 - FINALLY legal!
Adam turned 25 and decided he wanted to join the Army. He was stationed with the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, NC
In October, Adam's group was deployed to Afghanistan to provide security for the elections

2005 - Adam proposed to Brooke :)

2006 - Adam and Brooke got married on June 9th in a private outdoor ceremony with closest family and friends in attendance
In August Adam was deployed to Iraq for 15 months
2006 ended on a happy note with Brooke graduating from UNI with a dual major in elementary and middle level education and a mathematics (k-6) minor. Adam also got to spend 2 weeks at home over the holidays

2007 - Adam returned from Iraq in late October - to this day, still the BEST day of our lives! (Don't get us wrong, the day Harper was born was amazing - but nothing can top the emotions felt by all on this day)

2008 - Adam finished up his time in the Army, however joined the National Guard in Minnesota for 2 years
Adam got a job in law enforcement again as a Sheriff Deputy for Wright County
With the job, came a move to Clarion and we became first time home owners
In March we renewed our wedding vows and had a traditional wedding ceremony and reception. A much needed honeymoon followed to Ocho Rios, Jamaica
Adam decided to go back to school part-time online via Iowa Central Community College to finish his criminal justice degree (will finish February 2010)
Brooke turned 25

2009 - Adam turned the big 3-0
Harper Marie Nerlien was brought into our lives on September 11th!


2009: year in review

Happy New Year everyone! We hope 2010 brings everyone an abundance of health and happiness! We are looking forward to all of the challenges that this new year throws at us. We cannot wait to watch our little princess continue to grow and amaze us each and every day!

2009 was a great year for us! Let's travel back in time for a bit and recall all that we have to be thankful for!


We started the year off with a bang! We welcomed in the new year out in Las Vegas - an experience we will never forget - but will probably not happen again (too many people)

Adam turned the big 3-0!

The BEST day of 2009 was January 17 - the day we found out we were expecting a baby! We will never forget this day! I think we were on cloud 9 for a good two or three days! This was a life changing day for the both of us.

We started to do a mini-remodel of our house - opened up the kitchen

We also added a bathroom on the main floor - and also installed new hardwood floors and new countertops - Thank you Dad for your time and hard work!

We continued to work on our house throughout the spring. Our summer was filled with grilling, golfing, and doctor visits! It went by way too fast!
We traded the Monte Carlo for a Dodge Ram - much needed
Harper Marie Nerlien was born on September 11th and 10:59 p.m. She was 7 lbs 6 oz and 20 inches long.

Our new little family! Life is wonderful with Harper!

Football season - go Hawks!

We took a little road trip to Tulsa, OK for Kyle and Heather's wedding

Brooke started a new part-time job at the hospital in patient registration. She also got accepted to Iowa Central Community College and will be going back to school in January for Nursing.

Harper was baptized on December 20th
Brooke ended the year by turning 26!!!
Thank you to everyone who finds us entertaining enough to keep up with us! Whatever the reason may be for you following our blog, we hope you continue in 2010. We promise it will be an awesome year!
Adam, Brooke, & Harper
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