
Adult Prom 2012

Another year of Adult Prom is in the books. Which only makes #2, but we have many many more to go! What girl doesn't love an excuse to get dressed up and have a date night with her significant other?!?!

Family :)

We expanded our group this year and invited a few other friends/family members along. It was a blast! My mom came up with a great idea for next year: a group shot before prom and a group shot AFTER prom :) I'm pretty sure the 'after' picture would look NOTHING like the pretty one below ;)

Me and my handsome date :)


February Catch Up

Here are just a few pictures from February. The only two exciting things that really happened were Valentine's Day and Harper's 1st 'professional' haircut.

A family friend finally put the end to Harper's mullet. She now has a cute little short style that is stacked in the back. She did not particularly enjoy getting her haircut...she screamed when Kayla put the cape on her, so she sat on my lap and used a towel instead. But because she is so afraid of strangers, she did not make a peep or move an inch!

Valentine's 2012 ~ see my flowers in the background from Adam and Harper?!


2 1/2

Harper turned 2 1/2 years old on Sunday. Where has the time gone? We are LOVING every minute of this fun age. I don't think the 2's have been as terrible as people make them out to be. (I hope I didn't just jinx myself) Harper is so funny....and sweet....and smart.....and lovable......and polite....and caring......her worst characteristic?????? SHY!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is not a fan of strangers and completely ignores people when they try talking to her. She will look away or turn her back to them. It is bittersweet - it's frustrating, yet a good thing that she won't talk to strangers.

Weight: 31.2 lbs

Clothing Size: 2T bottoms, 3T/4T tops

Shoes Size: 7-8

Eating: The only thing Harper does not like is corn. Her favorite foods continue to be yogurt, apples, cottage cheese, grapes and chips. A few of her new favorites are french toast and bananas.

Sleep: Harper does NOT like to take naps. Unless she is super crabby, we usually avoid the fight and just let her stay up, or take a nap in the living room. However, she is very good about going to bed at night. We have a pretty good routine so she knows what to expect. She willingly crawls into her own bed every night and stays in bed all night. She will sometimes wake us up because she has to use the bathroom or wants a drink.

Speech: We have officially reached the "Why?" stage. After about the 5th "why," I just ignore her. But if we turn the tables and ask her "why?" she responds with "who cares?"! Harper says some of the funniest things - as do most 2 year olds. Harper has figured out the power of using manners. For example, whenever she wants something that she knows we will probably say "no" to, she folds her hands under her chin and says "pleeeeease" in the sweetest little voice. Which of course we can't say "no" to!

Favorite Toy: Baby Sandy

Favorite Activity: playing babies, coloring, or singing/dancing

New Things:

*takes showers
*no more pull-ups/diapers - even at night :)
*able to dress herself, other than her shirt
*recognizes all 26 letters of the alphabet
*can count to 20 with a little encouragement
*knows her 'basic' opposites (up/down, stop/go, fast/slow, etc)
*favorite TV show is Caillou
*loves to sing songs, a few favorites are 'Ten in a Bed' 'If You're Happy & You Know It' 'Row Row Row Your Boat'
*can accurately count objects in books or if you hold up fingers

Like I mentioned before, this stage of Harper's life is absolutely amazing. She is learning so much and is so funny and sweet. Can I freeze time for awhile?!?!?!?!?!?!

PS - the party planning has already begun for Harper's 3rd Birthday Party :)



As I was getting Harper ready for bed tonight, she held her sides and said,

"Ouch! My ribbons hurt!" AKA - RIBS :)

She has had a very mild cough the past few days, which could explain soreness in her 'ribbon' area!


Girl Code

There is an unwritten rule that states girls/women MUST go to the bathroom together in pairs. We all see this - not matter what the age. Harper is no exception.

This morning while Harper was sitting on her potty chair, she scooted her little butt as far over as she possibly could without her falling off, patted the chair, and said "Sit down mommy!" My heart melted a little bit as I burst into laughter.

Harper is taking this "girl code" to a whole new level! :)
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