
Week 28

One more week down! It's hard to believe that tomorrow is already July! September will be here before we know it! On Friday we are having a 3-D ultrasound done and both of our mothers are coming to experience it. I've heard nothing but good things about 3-D ultrasounds and that I HAVE to invite the grandmas! I'll put pictures up sometime this weekend! Here's what's happening this week:

You know how you’ve been feeling a bit like a barn with legs? Well, that feeling won’t subside before… well, you know, when you finally give birth. For the time being, you’ve got yourself a baby in the business of collecting fat and lots of it! In spite of the dubious joys of being a human-barn, this baby fat business is very serious and you’ve got to put up with it because it’s going to keep your little porker warm and healthy after birth. Other good stuff from inside: their eyes are doing lots of blinking this week because they’re now able to respond to light and dark. Also, their industrious little bone marrow is now a major construction site for developing red blood cells, while their super-cute adrenal glands are actually producing androgen and estrogen—which will stimulate your hormones to begin milk production. Can you say, “Moo?”


New Adventures

This past weekend was full of new adventures! I traveled back home on Thursday to watch my younger brother Brett show hogs at the county fair. It was his first (and last) year showing hogs, and he did a great job. He got a few second and third places ribbons, which is great for his first year! Even though it was his first year in 4-H, Brett has decided that it is a lot of work, and would rather enjoy his summer ;) I agree with him 100%!

A new adventure that I experienced was traveling to the 'Ice Cream Capitol of the World' on Saturday! In case you don't know where that is, it's a town in western Iowa called LeMars, Blue Bunny headquarters are located here. Ashley and I went there for a wedding of a college friend. Of course we had to stop at the ice cream shop and get some ice cream while we were there! (Pictures to come soon) How could two pregnant ladies pass that up on a hot summer day?!?!

Ashley and I
Me: 27 weeks
Ashley: 19 weeks

***I MADE Ashley take this picture - she really didn't want to! But who knows if we'll ever be pregnant together again - its something special that I wanted to document!

In other news: Adam finally made it home from guard! Never again will he be gone for a 2-week training. Yay! He has been home for 48 hours and has already been golfing 3 times! Yesterday was a gorgeous day so we went golfing, grilled some steaks, and went to a movie. Life is so much better with him around!!!


Second Trimester: Check!

It's official - I'm in my third trimester of this pregnancy! I absolutely cannot believe it! Only about 90 more days to go...90!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy cow - a mix of emotions overcome me just thinking about it- anxiety, nervousness, happiness, excitement, worry! Let's just hope everything continues to progress smoothly and the baby doesn't want to celebrate his/her birthday early. It has been so hot the past few days that I can say I literary have a 'bun in the oven!' Our air hasn't been working very well so I had someone come take a look at it today. I think it got cleaned out and he tripped the breaker or something. The power went out yesterday and today, so whenever that happens I need to check the breaker or something?! Who knows - I wish Adam was here to take care of it! Only 4 more days until Adam is home! It surprisingly has gone by quite fast - I think working a few days a week definitely helps. I hope he's doing okay with the heat and the storms. He hasn't called since last Tuesday, so he must be keeping busy. Speaking of keeping busy, here's what the baby is up to this week:

Your not-so-tiny-anymore brilliant baby(about 2 pounds and 14.5 inches long!) is slowly rotating in preparation to “head out.” Obviously, this doesn’t happen overnight, but when you start to feel an unfamiliar pressure on your cervix, you’ll know you’ve got a fully flipped baby locked and loaded for the countdown to their birthday! Even now, at the beginning of the third trimester, their little lungs are already capable of breathing air while the pulmonary vascular system can provide sufficient gas exchange and the central nervous system can generally regulate rhythmic breathing as well as their basal body temperature. For what it’s worth, at this point in a healthy pregnancy a premature child (with intensive care) could easily win on the show: “Survivor: The Early Years.”


Happy Fathers Day!

Happy Fathers Day!
This blog is dedicated to the three Father's in my life: my dad, my father-in-law, and Adam - my soon-to-be daddy! All three are AMAZING and I couldn't ask for three better guys!
Let's start with Adam: Adam is VERY excited to become a dad! Everyday he talks to the baby and kisses him/her. He's getting very impatient and wants the baby to be here NOW! I know he will be a GREAT dad and I can't wait to see him interact with the baby and take on the responsibilities of fatherhood. Just thinking about it brings a tear to my eye and it will make our relationship grow even stronger.
Next on the list is my dad, Troy. I know everyone says that they have the best dad in the world, but that's impossible, because I do! What I love most about my dad is that he has a sense of humor, a heart of gold, and would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. My favorite childhood memory of him is when he'd tell me the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Growing up he was always strict, but wanted what was best for me, and now I realize that. He infamous quote to me was, "If you know it's wrong, DON'T do it!" I always hated hearing that, but I have found myself saying that to some of my students. Even though I got in trouble a lot, he always gave in ;) What can I say, I'm a daddy's girl! A few more recent memories I have of my dad are when he walked me down the aisle and helped remodel our house. Thanks for everything dad, I love you!

And last, but certainly not least, is my father-in-law, Gary. Once again, I truly believe that I have the best father-in-law that a girl could ask for! Gary welcomed me into the family right away and always makes me feel loved, just like one of his own. Gary is a lot like my own dad, he's funny, has a huge heart, and his kids are his number one priority in life! During Adam's time in the military, we became very close and share a special bond. One of my favorite memories with Gary is our trip to Georgia for Adam's boot camp graduation. Thanks for letting me be a part of the family..I love you!


Happy Birthday!

Today is my mom's birthday, and tomorrow is my brother Brett's birthday! I hope they both have a GREAT day! I am meeting my family on Sunday for lunch to celebrate their birthdays and father's day.
Mom and Brett - 2008

In other news...our yard really needs to be mowed, but its too hot outside for me to mow it. I am in charge of mowing the yard once a year when Adam is at guard for two weeks. I think I'll attempt to mow it Saturday morning, that way I won't have to mow it again before Adam gets home ;)


Week 26

I had another routine Dr. visit today. Everything went really well! The baby's heart rate was at 150 beats/minute and is measuring right on track. I had to drink some nasty glucose water stuff and get my blood tested an hour later to make sure I haven't developed gestational diabetes. I've already gotten a phone call back from my nurse saying that everything was normal! I have been blessed with a smooth pregnancy thus far, and I am praying the same goes for labor and delivery! It's hard to believe that this is my last week of my 2nd trimester - where has the time gone?!?! And by the way, I was wrong on a previous blog - I will be 7 months next week - CRAZY! Here's the traditional Dr. visit belly picture. It's not the greatest picture because I had to take it myself, since Adam is at guard. Here's what's going on this week with the baby:
At long last, your little swimmer can see the womb! Your miracle’s little eyelids have finally separated (they were fused closed previously) and they’re probably having their first moments of sight as you read this (or maybe it already happened while you were brushing your teeth or watching Oprah or something). In addition to seeing their little studio in your belly, they’ve recently acquired the ability to say “yes” and “no” in rudimentary sign language as they can now move their head back and forth. This is also the time where your little super star’s head hair is starting to grow! A cute little cowlick or two may be springing into position right now, getting ready for years of cute-but-stubborn bed-head. Also, their toenails have grown in and you little raisin continues to slowly pile up fat beneath their still-loose skin. Most importantly, brain tissue and neurons are all developing at a rapid pace, increasing their (genius-level?) brain activity and will continue to function at accelerated levels for the first seven to eight years of childhood!


All By Myself

On Friday Adam left for his two-week National Guard training up at Camp Ripley in Minnesota. I never look forward to him going to guard, especially for the 2 weeks! On the bright side, this will be his last long training, as he will be DONE with the National Guard in March!!! We cannot wait until he is finished with his military duties! So it's going to be a long and lonely 2 weeks for me! Hopefully it'll go by fast. I just started a part-time job at the country club as a server and/or bartender, which will keep me busy. So far I enjoy the job - it gets a little hectic at times, but I enjoy my co-workers. It's so nice to meet new people and gain new friends!
June is also a busy month in my family for birthdays - so I'll be heading home next weekend to celebrate a few birthdays and fathers day with my family. Tis the season for weddings as well - I also will be traveling to Le Mars, IA for a wedding of a college friend. Hopefully between work and traveling here and there, the two weeks will be here and gone before I know it!


Here's a fun little quiz that I found online. What else do I have to do at 1:30 a.m. on Saturday?!?!

About Your Pregnancy

Is this your first pregnancy?: Yes!
When did you find out you were pregnant?: January 17th, 2009
Was it planned?: Yes
What was your first reaction?: OMG! I was shocked, excited, nervous, HAPPY! Adam and I both cried - happy tears of course!
Who was with you when you found out? I was by myself when I found out - Adam was downstairs watching TV
Who was the first person you told?: Adam (duh!) - then I told my best friend Ashley a week later
How did your parents react?: They were very happy and excited - they want a grandchild
How far along are you?: 25 weeks, 5 days.
What was your first symptom?: I was late
What is your due date?: September 22nd
Do you know the sex of the baby?: No
If so, what is it?: We're keeping it a surprise!
Have you picked out names?: yes
If so, what are they?: That's a secret!
How much weight have you gained?: So far...14 lbs
Do you have stretch marks?: no new ones ;)
Have you felt the baby move?: Yes! I love it! Adam likes to feel the baby move too - and he/she is big enough now that we can SEE the kicks and punches sometimes!
Have you heard the heartbeat?: Yes and I look forward to it every dr. visit

About the birth

Will you keep the baby?: Of course
Home or hospital birth?: Hospital
Natural or medicated birth?: I'm REALLY REALLY going to try natural
Who will be in the delivery room with you?: Just Adam
Will you breastfeed?: Definitely!
Do you think you'll need a c-section?: Hopefully not
Will you cry when you hold the baby for the first time?: Without a doubt
What's the first thing you might say to him/her?: I love you!
Would you let someone videotape the birth?: I think not
Are you excited about the birth, or scared?: Both of course. More excited than scared - I can't wait to experience labor - is that weird?!


The Perfect Husband

The Perfect Husband....

reads directions

knows how to grill

can fix things up around the house

and remembers to buy his wife flowers on their anniversary!


3 Years and 25 Weeks

Today Adam and I are celebrating 3 years of marriage!!! It's hard to believe that it's already been that long! Other than the first 1 1/2 years when Adam was in Iraq, it has been WONDERFUL! I couldn't ask for a better husband! I love him more and more each and every day! The past year has been especially exciting for us...we became home owners, we took a trip to Las Vegas, and most importantly we are expecting our first child! Speaking of the baby, he/she will be here in FIFTEEN WEEKS!!! I am 25 weeks along today, officially into my 7th month of pregnancy - CRAZY! Here's whats happening this week:

Your little grower’s physical proportions are evening out at this point and most of their remaining development will largely be weight gain and lots and lots of nervous system development. The good news is: if your child is born premature now they’ll be more likely to survive without too much trauma as their lungs began to produce “surfactant” last week, which means their tiny respiratory system is getting stronger with each passing day. Yes, now’s a good time for a minor sigh of relief and a quick pat on the back. All that hard work and conscientious living is really getting your child prepared for a healthy delivery. Keep up the fabulous work mama! This week they’ll be scootching slowly out of the old breech position and start rotating (already!) into a better position for exit during their birth. Their head and feet are slowly rotating so that the head is pointed down towards the birth canal. Time is short (or really long, depending on who you ask)—just (still!) 14 weeks left before you can go back to being a single-resident human.


LAZY Weekend

Adam and I had a VERY lazy weekend...we layed on the couch and watched movies and Bridezillas all day! (Adam had a hard time pulling himself away from the TV to get ready for work - turns out he can't get enough of that show!) It was very relaxing, but BORING at the same time! I haven't worked for about a week and a half now and I'm SO bored! I've been cleaning, cooking, reading and laying out but am in desperate need for social interaction! Actually on Wednesday I'm starting a part-time job working at a local golf course. I will be serving and bartending a few days/nights a week. I'm really excited to meet new people and get out of the house a few days a week. I will be getting trained this Wednesday, Friday and Saturday - wish me luck!
Back to the weekend happenings - Adam had Friday off so we went golfing all afternoon - it was beautiful and I got a little sun burnt. Later that night we met two other couples and went out supper. After supper we went back to one of the couples' house and sat on the patio and enjoyed some drinks. (Adam is really taking advantage of having a DD!) Both of the guys are also police officers, one for the city of Eagle Grove and the other works with Adam on the Sheriff's Department. It's very rare that they all have a weekend off, so we took advantage of the night. But the main reason that we all got together is because the Eagle Grove officer is getting deployed next week. He serves with a National Guard Military Police unit and will be going to Iraq. So we thought we'd hang out with him before he leaves, as he won't be back until next year. Please remember to keep the soldiers in your prayers!


24 Weeks

It is so hard to believe that I am finishing up my 6th month of pregnancy! It has gone by pretty fast for the most part, and I'm sure it'll only speed up as the summer goes on. I'm still feeling good...cravings went away, no swelling, no back aches, no troubles breathing, no nausea, etc. Well I never really had a craving for a specific food all of the time. I've had a few 'gotta-have-it-now' moments - like cheesy potatoes, french fries, and a glazed donut (healthy huh?) But none of the cravings luckily ever stick with me. Here's what's happening this week:

This is another big week for your magical growing baby! Just take a look at the checklist for this week: 1) ears: done; 2) fingernails: done; 3) (if you have a boy) testicles: taking their 3-4 day trip from the abdominal wall to the scrotum; and 4) lungs walls: secreting “surfactant”. What’s that? Well, surfactant is sort of what it sounds like: a surface-activated fat whose main purpose is to assist the your baby's little lungs during inflation (as in, filling with air, not getting more expensive). Just in case you’re curious, your submerged baby is still breathing in amniotic fluid, preparing and rehearsing the lungs an oxygen-filled life outside the womb. By the end of this week, your child will be weighing around 2 lbs and 14 inches long. Your cutie-patootie may even be a little more plump, but isn't anywhere near their full baby-fatted cute-self. Most of the “filling out” is coming up in that long awaited (and slightly dreaded?) third trimester. Woo-hoo! Get ready!


Summer is Here!

My summer has officially begun! The ONE awesome thing about being a teacher! As of now, I do not have a summer job YET. I applied at the country club to serve or bartend part-time, so hopefully I'll be hearing back soon. Actually I told the skating rink that I would help out with summer parties, which I've already had two parties last week. I also will be taking a few girls to the swimming pool randomly throughout the summer when the mother needs a break. Speaking of the pool, I was really hoping that I'd be able to go there today and get some sun, but it looks like it could rain. I already have my maternity swimming suit and some new sunscreen bought - I'm ready to layout - even though I'll look liked a beached whale!

Adam is excited that summer is here too. He's already acquired a sweet farmers tan from the golf course! He was in his first golf tournament of the summer last weekend and won a prize for the farthest drive! I also enjoy going to the course with him..I just ride in the cart and soak up the sun.

Not much going on around here. This past weekend I went to Des Moines to see Ashley. It was her sister's bachelorette party so we went to that and then stayed at her parents house in Norwalk. It was different not being able to drink - but we survived! On Sunday I met up with Abby for lunch in West Des Moines. On Sunday night we met Adam's family in Mason City for supper for my mother-in-laws Birthday. There was a lot of driving and eating this weekend!

Tomorrow Adam will be going to Des Moines until Thursday for a law enforcement class. The class will allow him to be an instructor on how to use mase and other hazardous materials. Adam is not looking forward to this class because he has to get mased again - not fun!

We hope everyone has a GREAT week! Can you believe that it's already June?!
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