
New Vocabulary

Here is a Harper funny for you!

Last week Harper and I were cooking together in the kitchen and she was practicing her rhyming skills.  It went something like this:

Harper: Kissed - Pissed- Kissed - Pissed
Me: Harper don't say that word anymore.
Harper: Why, what does it mean?
Me: It means that you're really mad.
Harper: Like 100 times mad???
Me: Yes
Harper: I've been pissed before.

OMG - I was laughing so hard!  I then had to explain to her that it wasn't a very nice word and that she shouldn't use it.

Oh I love the innocence of little kids!


Strep Throat

Sickness has hit the Nerlien house! Me & the girls have strep throat. The extra naps & cuddles have been nice but my throat hurts miserably bad! I think I would rather swallow razor blades.

We are on an antibiotic for the next 10 days. I hope we all start kicking this soon.

In the mean time I will enjoy these few quiet days with my girls!


Elliet {10 months}

I'm the world's worst.blogger.ever!  Sorry!

Elliet turned 10 months old 3 days ago.  She is so much fun - I love the stage that she's at right now.

Clothing Size: 12 -18 months

Diaper Size: 3

Teeth: 2 on the bottom, and 6 on top

Speech: Says ma-ma and da-da but I don't think she necessarily associates the words with Adam an I.  Elliet says "Pa" for puppy and "Da" for drink.  She also signs "more" during meals.    She also tries to say "uh-oh" when she drops her cup onto the floor when she's sitting in her high chair

Eating Habits: 6 oz bottles every 3-4 hours during the day.  She eats some baby food for meals, but mostly table foods.  Her food lists consists of: toast, scrambled eggs, diced hot dogs, green beans, cooked carrots and broccoli, pasta, diced chicken, cheerios, frozen pizza, and her Gerber snacks.  She also drinks cups of water or watered down apple juice for meals.

Sleeping Habits: Elliet is still taking 2 during the day - 2 hours EACH!  Bedtime is still around the 8 o'clock hour and she usually goes down without a fuss for naps and bedtime.  She usually wakes up once in the night for a bottle and diaper change. (Annoying!)  She loves snuggling with her blankie!

Favorite Toy: No favorite yet.  She enjoys playing ball and eating Harper's babies.

Favorite Activity: bath time and sitting outside

Personality: Elliet is a very good baby.  She is smiley and happy most of the time.  She is starting to show a temper and lack of patience by screaming LOUD and HIGH PITCHED.  She definitely knows what she likes and doesn't like.  She is very curious and busy, busy, busy.  The girl never rests.  We joke how opposite of Harper she is.  I think Elliet is going to be our handful.  At this point, she really isn't too shy/scared around strangers, which is a nice change from Harper.

Nicknames: Ellie, Ells, Bells, Elsie May, Ellie Bug

Mobility: Cruising around the furniture!  Elliet can also stand on her own for a few seconds.  I imagine she'll be walking by 1!

  • cruising around the furniture
  • opens drawers/cupboards and knows how to make a MESS
  • signs "more"
  • waves bye-by
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