
Elliet ~ 8 months

Time for another monthly update......

Diaper Size: 3

Clothing Size: 9 - 12 months

Teeth: 4

Mobility: almost crawling......and can pull herself up on furniture at times.  She WILL be crawling by 9 months.  Harper was crawling at 7 months....but she didn't have a big sister to place toys in front of her whenever she whined!

Speech: still lots of gibberish.  She also makes a funny high-pitched chant - a cross between a puppy yelping and a monkey

Eating: We have started giving Elliet soft table foods and she loves it!  Otherwise she continues to eat baby food and/or rice cereal for lunch and supper.  She still drinks 4 oz formula every 3-4 hours during the day too.  We have started giving her Gerber Puffs and Yogurt Melts too.

Sleeping: Elliet is a great napper - takes a 2 hour morning nap and a 2 hour afternoon nap!  She is still waking up in the middle of the night for a bottle - but goes right back to bed.  (However, she is NOT a good sleeper at Grandma's house!)  

Favorite Toy: She doesn't really have a favorite - as long as she can chew on it!

Favorite Activity: bath time with sissy!!!!  (pictures to come!)


+ beginning to pull herself up on furniture
+ eating 'real' food
+ takes baths in the big tub 


Kid President's 20 Things We Should Say More Often

We watched this video at a staff meeting.  It is too cute not to share.  Enjoy.


Valentine's Nursery List

Elliet got her Valentine's List for the nursery at daycare today.  Isn't that just the cutest thing?!  I never even thought about making Valentine's for her age group, but it is just so precious that I'll have to come up with something.  The age group is newborn - 2 years old.  Maybe I'll find some cute little books at the dollar store or something???

Anyways, I just had to share her class list because the names are so adorable:

  • Hayden
  • Leo
  • Howard
  • Carter
  • Lola
  • Bode
  • Elliet
  • Reed
  • Brecklyn

Leo....Lola....awwwwwwwwww so cute!

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