
You know life is changing when...

You no longer have to set an alarm to make it to a 10:10 am doctor's appointment!

Sad, but 100%, absolutely true, before becoming a mother I would have had to set an alarm to make it to anything before noon!

Harper and I both had appointments this morning and we both are doing well. Harper now weighs 7 lbs and 7 oz, so she has gained 3 oz since coming home on Monday! Our Dr. told us as long as they are back to birth weight (7 lbs 6 oz) by two weeks of age, there is nothing to be concerned about feeding wise. So she's ahead of the game ;) She is around the 50th percentile for height, weight and head size. We're still working on the nursing thing...I think we both get a little lazy at times...

I'm doing surprisingly well - no pain! Getting along great. It feels awesome to lose 20 lbs in one week - now have 20 lbs to go! (well to get back to pre-pregnancy weight anyways)

We'll be having lots of visitors this weekend so we'll be busy! I think we're going to order taco pizza tonight and relax. Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. That's great! I'm glad to hear you are both doing so well. :)

    The nursing thing does take time to get the hang of especially with a sleepy newborn. Just nurse as often as possible so that you get a really good supply built up and that will help in the months to come as she keeps gaining.

    Can't wait to see more pictures of your cutie!

  2. When ever you get tired don't be afraid to take her over here!


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