
27 Week Update

We are now into the 3rd and final trimester - which also means we are in our 7th month of pregnancy!  We're getting closer people!!!!!!

Size of Baby: 2 lbs (head of cauliflower) and 14.5" with legs extended

Total weight gain: 13 lbs (I gained 6 pounds in 3 weeks - yuck!)  Still hoping to gain no more than 20 lbs total - I better hit the gym!

Maternity Clothes: Little bit of both

Gender: GIRL! 

Movement: Lots!  It makes my whole belly jump!

Sleep: I sleep pretty well - only 1 or 2 bathroom breaks at this point.  The fatigue is slowly coming back.......

What I miss: nothing at the moment - life is good!

Symptoms: Swelling in my legs/feet - I showed the Dr today and his exact words were "that's pretty impressive" - although not concerned at this point - blood pressure is normal and no protein in my urine.

Cravings: Olive Burger from a local bar/restaurant  (It's a burger with a green olive/onion/mayo relish - it's delish!)

Best Moment of the Week: I passed my 1 hr glucose test today - no gestational diabetes for this girl!  Also, it's always nice hearing the baby's HR - today it was in the 130's.

Looking Forward To: 3D/4D ultrasound on April 10th

27 weeks


Due Date

Well, today is March 25, 2013.....our original due date for baby #2.

I have often wondered how I was going to feel when this day finally came.  

Today I feel thankful....Thankful that life has given us another chance to become parents.  Thankful that we were able to conceive without difficulties.  Thankful that this little girl growing inside me continues to remain healthy.  Thankful that Harper already loves her little sister so much!

Today I feel no sadness, but rather a sense of relief.  A relief that I have a few more months of giving Harper my undivided love and attention.  With this also comes anxiety.  I am very anxious about having to share my time and love with another child.  Will I have enough of both to go around????

If our last pregnancy would have been viable, we would actually probably have a 1-week old newborn at home right now.  (remember I have to have a c-section at 39 weeks)  And if it were twins - the babies may even be 2-4 weeks old.  We could be in the hospital with preemies right now.....

It is so crazy to think of what life could have been.  Instead, I will focus on the present - which includes loving up my only child for the next 3 months!


Day Shift

After 6 months of working the night shift, I am VERY HAPPY to announce that I have accepted a full-time DAY position at the hospital in Belmond!

I will begin working days at the beginning of the new schedule, which is April 21st.  Only 8 more night shifts to go!  But who's counting?!

Life has an amazing way of working itself out....it just requires a little faith and patience.  

As you know, I am current working PRN (as needed) - primarily nights, but a few days here and there.  Currently, if the hospital has a low patient census I am the first person to be "on-call" on "flexed," unless another employee is in overtime.  Because of this one of my pay checks last month only had 12 hours on it - ouch!  So I we are very happy to have guaranteed full time hours again!

In addition to having full-time hours and PTO, I can work pretty much whenever - since we have daycare during the day.  I have been working on Adam's days off - which means we rarely have a night off together.  Maybe 3 or 4 nights/month.  However, we are home together every afternoon.  

And finally, with a new baby on the way, I am so thankful that I will be able to tuck my girls into bed every.single.night!

Now if only Adam could get on days..........................some day, right?!


Grocery List

Is it sad that I look forward to grocery shopping each week because it's one of the few "alone" times I get, aside from work?!  I barely even get to take a shower by myself now days.  It's okay though, I better get used to it because my "alone" time is going to become more sparse in the months ahead.

Harper used to like to come grocery shopping with me but has lost interest.  (I don't think she has the patience.)  Her newest way to help me out is by making her own grocery list.

As you can see, Harper wanted me to pick up some: yogurt, milk, juice, grapes, berries, and pretzels.  I told Harper how to spell the words and she did everything else on her own.  She is really into writing words these days.


Special Days

It's hard to believe that April is only 12 short days away!  March is always a long, cold and boring month for most people.  Unless of course you're a teacher or student and look forward to spring break!

There are a few special days for us in March:

March 15: 5 years since Adam and I renewed our vows!

March 17th: The Leprechaun visited our house!

March 18: Adam's father celebrated his 61st Birthday!

And my parents are in Mexico right now with a group of friends soaking up the sun and enjoying some drinks!  Not fair!!!!

PS - tomorrow is the 1st day of SPRING!!!!!!!


Parent Preschool Night

Adam, Harper and I attended the Parent Preschool Night held over at the school tonight.  The first hour or so was spent participating in fun and educational activities with Harper and the last 45 minutes were spent by the parents attending a mini parenting seminar, while all the preschoolers corralled in the gym and had a snack and played games with the teachers and volunteers.  Harper had a blast.  

"Playing soccer"

Searching for foods from around the world

Story time

Sorting fruit and working on hand-eye coordination by using chopsticks


What kid doesn't love the giant parachute?!

Although the parenting seminar was inspiring, Adam and I agree that our favorite moment of the evening occurred during story time, when Harper spoke up in front of the group.  The librarian read aloud a story to a small group of about 6 kids, and then asked them to predict the ending.  Harper was the only one to answer, which is completely not something we expected her to do in our wildest dreams!  We are so proud of her!  Harper is becoming more outgoing each and every month.  I was telling Harper how proud I was of her and she said, "Mom, I talk to people now!"  I think she was proud of herself too!  Another one of my favorite's from the evening was the following poem:

There are little eyes upon you,
And they are watching night and day;
There are little ears that quickly take
In every word you say;
There are little hands all eager to do
Everything you do,
And a little child who's dreaming of
The day she'll be like you.

You're the little child's idol,
You're the wisest of the wise,
In her little mind about you,
No suspicions ever rise;
She believes in you devoutly
Holds all you say and do;
She will say and do in your way when
She's grown up to be like you.

There's a wide eyed little child who
Believes you're always right,
And her ears are always open and she
Watches day and night;
You are setting an example
Everyday in all you do
For the little child who's waiting
To grow up to be like you.


Harper 3.5

Happy 1/2 birthday to our little Harper!  

Weight: 41-42#

Clothing Size: Tops = 6!!!  Bottoms = 4-6 (depends on brand and style)

Shoes Size: 10 - but we're pushing it.  She'll definitely be wearing a 11 by summer I think.

Eating: Harper is still a pretty good eater, although she would rather fill up on "snacks" instead of eating a meal.  Her favorites things to eat are: toast, grapes, strawberries, yogurt, pretzels, chicken nuggets, chocolate milk, mac and cheese, juice (apple and grape), and ice cream.  We make her try everything we eat, which she does without argument.  So far she doesn't like: corn, mushrooms, tomatoes, and onions.  

Sleep: Bedtime is in the 8 o'clock hour and she will usually sleep for about 10.5-12 hours.  Harper doesn't have  nap schedule, but usually takes a few naps/week, in the late afternoon hours.  Supper time is her favorite time to sleep!  

Favorite Toy/Activity: Harper enjoys playing Candyland, singing in her microphone, riding around the house on her scooter, and writing in her dry-erase books.

New Things:
     *Loves to help with the laundry - Harper folds ALL of her own clothes, plus the dish towels, wash rags and Adam's boxers.
     *Makes her own bed
     * Picks out her clothes every day (and gets dressed by herself) - some days her outfits are quite interesting
      * Loves to help me cook
     *  Harper has quite the imagination - she is really good at entertaining herself.  Her newest "friends" are her 2 rocking chairs - she marries them and carries them around??????????  She also has names for a few of her balls
     * Speaking of balls, Harper is an excellent dribbler! (video to come)
     * Can write all of her letters
     * Can write Dad, Mom, Harper and Ali without any help
     * Harper loves to rhyme
     * Hates wearing socks and long-sleeve shirts
     * Is beginning to love Disney movies and Disney princesses
      * I think (and hope) that her Caillou obsession is finally over - except now Harper is obsessed with watching Max and Ruby (other favorites are Dora and Team Umizoomi)
     * Knows the days of the week
     *Learning how to count in Spanish (can count to 4 so far)
     * Loves to hug and kiss by belly - and always wants to "sit by the baby"
     * Can count to 100 with help

To do this month: Get her 3 year-old pictures taken before she's FOUR!!!!


Birthday Parties!

OK, so call me crazy, but I have already been brainstorming 1st birthday party ideas for my UNBORN child.  Yes, I'm nuts.  I love planning parties.  I like the small details, things that others probably don't even notice.  Making sure everything matches - invitations, balloons, dishes, outfit, food, etc.  I don't go all out and spend a lot of money, just enough to make sure everything ties together.

I think I make a big deal out of birthday parties because I never really had a lot of parties as a child.  My birthday is 4 days after Christmas, so Christmas and my birthday was usually a 2-for1.  My birthday always fell over Christmas break too, so I never saw my friends or got to celebrate in school.  One of my childhood friends' birthday fell in October, so there were a few years that we had a combined birthday party in November.  I can specifically remember 4 birthday parties, 1 at McDonalds, 1 at Aladdin's Castle (arcade), 1 at Roller City (roller rink), and 1 slumber party.

I want to make sure my children have awesome birthdays that they will remember for years to come.  I don't want you to get the idea that my birthday was neglected, because it wasn't.  It just wasn't made a big deal, which is okay.  My mom called my name in to the radio station every year on my birthday, I always got a gift, and we went out to eat at the place of my choice.  I was celebrated, just usually not with a birthday party.

Harper: Harper turns 4 in September and her birthday theme is pink/purple princesses.  My parents scored a ton of clearance items about 6 months ago at Dollar General so that is what we're going with.  Thank goodness Harper loves princesses!  All of the items (invitations, cups, plates, napkins, goody bags, wands, etc.) were 10 cents each!  They bought an entire bag FULL of birthday stuff for only a few dollars!  Thank you Mom & Dad!  I have already bought Harper's "birthday outfit" and have been brainstorming food ideas and other party details.  (Thanks Pinterest!)

Baby #2: Here is where by bee obsession comes into play that I was telling you about on a previous blog.  I was searching summer themed birthday party ideas on Pinterest and came across a Bumble Bee theme.  It is absolutely adorable!  (It was between bumble bee's and a watermelon theme)  I already have a pretty good idea of the invitations, food, decorations, etc. for the party.  SO, if you see any bumble bee things on clearance at the end of the spring/summer, let me know!  (I already have my eye on some stuff at Hobby Lobby!)  Unfortunately baby #2 may get the shaft after her first birthday, as I predict we will do combined birthday parties for her and her cousins/family.  June is a SUPER busy month for birthdays on both sides of the family.  It will be easier just to do combined birthdays.  (But I will be sure to make up for it when she gets older and has "friend" parties)

A look back at some parties that we've had:


24 Week Update

Size of Baby: 12.5 inches (ear of corn)

Total weight gain: 7 lbs (4.5 of them this month alone - yikes!)

Maternity Clothes: Little bit of both

Gender: We're having another GIRL!  (And she officially has a name!)

Movement: Lots!  Especially when I'm trying to sleep!

Sleep: I sleep pretty well - only 1 or 2 bathroom breaks at this point.  It does take me a while to fall asleep because the baby is a night owl.

What I miss: nothing at the moment - life is good!

Symptoms: Still have some swelling in my ankles after working a shift, and I have felt a few Braxton Hicks contractions (tightening of the uterus - false contractions)

Cravings: CHELADAS (June can't get here fast enough!)

Best Moment of the Week: The Dr confirmed today that this baby will be born NO LATER than June 17th!  Which is only 3 months and a couple weeks away!!!

Looking Forward To: finishing up the nursery

24 weeks


Not Talkers

I ask Harper about 20 questions every.single.day when she gets home from preschool.

What did you learn today?
What did you have for a snack?
Was everyone there?
Did you talk to your teachers?
Did you go outside?
What did you do for centers?
What book did you read?
Did you make anything?
Who sat at your table today?

Annoyed yet?  Think how poor Harper must feel.

When Harper told me who sat at her table for the day, I then asked "Did you talk to her?"

Which she replied "No mom, we're not talkers, we're color-ers and eaters!"

Okay then ~ 3-year-old preschool must be strictly business :)

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