
Week 35

It's hard to believe that I'm finishing up my last week of the 8th month! The big day will be here soon! Now that school is starting, I hope that the time goes by fast and I can keep busy subbing. Other than the swelling, I'm feeling pretty good still! Adam and I started 'Child Birth Education' class a few weeks ago and are learning a few good tips for labor. Next week at class, the anesthesiologist is going to talk to the class about different pain medication (and show us the needles!), we get to see forceps and the vacuum, and get a tour of the maternity ward, all in addition to the lovely videos we get to watch each week! Check out what the baby is up to this week:

Congratulations! You’re now carrying nearly 6 lbs of baby not counting their amniotic fluid, the umbilical cord, or the placenta itself. We’re impressed because that’s a LOT of work non-stop. Are you feeling proud of yourself yet? Well, get to it—you’ve done an amazing job! At this point, your little grower is almost busting out of the womb size-wise, which make their restricted attempts to move much challenging. Of course, your stubborn little sucker is still trying to move around as if they weren’t in a cramped space. And the accumulating baby fat deposits are starting to level off so your little butter ball will be padded and warm when they head out of their super snug little home.

State Fair Update: It was so dang hot at the state fair that we all probably lost 5 lbs! We went through a few buildings and then grabbed something to eat and drink and sat in the shade for awhile. I was so excited to pig out on fair food, but it was so hot that I didn't feel like eating. But I did get an order of cheese curds and Adam got some mini donuts. The Big & Rich concert wasn't until 8:00 so it had cooled down a lot by then and was comfortable. The concert ROCKED! They were amazing and really got the crowd going! We would definitely go see them again! I don't have any pictures to post - it was too hot to even bother!


  1. The state fair ALWAYS and a mean ALWAYS SSSSSSOOOOOOO HOT!!!!!!

  2. Honestly I think that was the worst part of the classes was when they showed the needles. I almost waited too long to get the epidural because I was scared of the needle. The rest of it was good though.


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