
23 Months

Weight: 27 lbs (+.4 lbs)

Diaper Size: 4

Clothing Size: 2T

Shoe Size: 5 or 6

Teeth: still waiting on the last set of molars....

Eating: For breakfast Harper prefers yogurt or toast. For lunch and supper, she enjoys ravioli, cottage cheese, apple sauce, turkey, grapes, and apple juice. She has recently found her sweet tooth - she loves Popsicles, ice cream, marshmallows, M&M's and Kit Kats!

Sleeping: Harper still takes one nap/day, usually in the afternoon, for about 2 hours. Bedtime is b/w 8 and 10, it totally depends on the day. She still sleeps for about 12-13 hours! Once I go back to school, bedtime will be earlier (I hope). Harper has really started to enjoy sleeping in 'mommy's bed.' She asks to sleep there almost every day. I sometimes let her fall asleep in our bed and then take her to her crib. Harper has also started to nap on the couch or floor in the living room. She grabs a pillow and blanket and she is out like a light. For example, she is sleeping behind the recliner right now!

Speech: Harper was on a roll this month - bread, yogurt (gurt), corn, watermelon, arm, mouth, knee, bird, elephant, napkin (ka-kin), catch, couch, pen, phone, remote (mote), paper, flag, house, nine, ten, four, airplane, sky, cloud, stuck, brown, black, white, circle, star, heart, stinky, hug, sheep (beep), shirt, annoying, crawl, um, push, ice cream (ice peam) color (col-ah) play, golf (bolf), Rusty, Kit Kat, round, town......

Favorite Toy: Babies

Favorite Activity: COLORING...hands down!

New Things:
  • recognizes a circle, star and heart
  • knows all of the primary colors
  • LOVES napkins - usually a few at each meal
  • likes to clean - uses wipes to clean any and all surfaces
  • talking in 2-3 word phrases, "I watch Bus" (wants to watch 'Wheels on the Bus' on youtube), "I golf too"
  • starting using -ing ( "I running" or "I pooping")
  • differentiates between girls and boys - she likes to label everyone she meets at the playground! (A boy! A boy!)
  • Can drink out of a big cup
  • DISLIKES bath time - she doesn't like getting her hair washed
  • OBSESSED with Ali - video coming soon!
  • differentiates between sounds (Without seeing objects) - airplane, train, tractor, lawn mower, truck...
  • started scratching/pulling hair when upset
  • goes down the big slide all by herself at the playground
Next month I'll be a parent of a 2 year old!!!!!

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