
1st Trimester: Check!

Well, I successfully made it through my first trimester! My next Dr. appointment is next Tuesday and we should get to listen to the heart beat. This will put me at ease because I'm always worried that something is wrong. I still don't look pregnant so I second guess myself a lot. I'm sure my motherly instincts are kicking in - I'm such a worry wart already! Everyone keeps telling me that in the next two weeks my belly will "pop." I sure hope so! I get an email every week from parents.com that informs me of what is happening each week with the baby. I find it so fascinating. I copied a portion of the email for you to read for your enjoyment.

By week 14, your baby is the size of a lemon, measuring about 3 1/2 inches and weighing 1 1/2 ounces. Their body also starts to even out this week, as the arms and head are finally proportionate to the rest of its body. Their hands and feet now measure about a 1/2 inch long, and are actively punching and kicking inside you. Don't be alarmed if you can't feel this movement, it's too small for you to feel.
Your baby is also busy making facial expressions by week 14. It can squint their eyes and its lips can turn into a frown. The neck has grown longer and the chin starts to take shape. The baby's kidneys can produce urine and its liver has begun to produce bile. The spleen has even begun to help in the production of red blood cells.

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