
21 Months

Weight: 25.8 lbs (+1.2)

Diaper Size: 4!!! (after an entire year in size 3!)

Clothing Size: 18m/24m bottoms, 24m/2T tops

Shoe Size: 5

Teeth: all except 2 year molars - NOT looking forward to those!

Sleep: Harper wakes up b/w 7:30 and 8:30. Nap time is usually right after lunch and she'll sleep for about 2 hours. Bedtime is right around 8:00 in most nights (sometimes she thinks she can stay up until 10!)

Eating: Harper is back to eating like a champ again. Her current love is yogurt straight from the container. She does well with a spoon now so we let her feed herself. Another favorite is ice - plain ice. She absolutely loves sucking/chomping on ice. I guess she's staying hydrated! Harper now eats her meals at the table with us using her booster seat! Goodbye high chair!

Speech: Harper is really into imitating right now - so she'll try saying almost anything. But a few new words that she says consistently and uses them in the correct context are: bike, pool (poo), sit (seat), yes (hes), money, walk (alk), bed, meat, turkey, boots, map, happy, cop car, truck, Kaitlyn (la la), marker, move!, broccoli, cheese, bark and I'm sure many more. Harper is also using a lot of 2-word combinations like, 'more ice' or 'no bark.' She also said her first sentence when I asked her if she pooped, her was her response: "Harper no poop." Nice, huh?!

Favorite Toy: McDonald's cash register or babies

Favorite Activity: playing outside or going to the poooooooooo!

New Things:

  • went on her first golf outing and LOVED it - she went again last week too!

  • going on bike rides in the pull behind cart - also loves this

  • got her hair trimmed again

  • loves imitating EVERYTHING we do

  • takes bubble baths

  • likes to fall asleep in the recliner for her afternoon nap (her father started this!)

Sorry for the delay on the monthly post. Our internet signal is week - someone is coming to fix it on Monday. With that being said, I have a really cute video that I am trying to post for all of the birthday this weekend! Check back tomorrow or Monday - I promise we didn't forget about you.

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