
Half Way There!

I can't believe that I am already half way done with my pregnancy! It has gone by pretty fast so far - I hope the next 20 weeks go by just as fast so we can finally meet the little one! I also hope the next 20 weeks are just as healthy as the first 2o - for me and the baby. I have been feeling great and the baby is doing fine - all our blood work has came back normal. A few weeks ago I thought I may have felt the baby moving around - and I can definitely confirm that within the past week! He/she usually starts kicking when I sit down to watch TV or go to bed - whenever I want to relax! It's an indescribable feeling - I wish Adam could feel it - he usually says that it's not fair! The baby isn't big enough to feel the kicks and punches on the outside yet, just the inside. Here is whats happening with the baby at 20 weeks:

Your baby is now the length of a banana. Can you believe it? She is now 6 ½ inches long and weighs almost 10 1/2 ounces! Your baby can also hear sounds. At 20 weeks, she can cover her ears with her hands if the sounds are too loud and she may even "jump" inside your womb if any sounds startle her. She is also moving around a lot inside you. Remember, if this is your first pregnancy or if you have a larger frame, you may not yet feel those movements. If you haven’t felt anything yet, you should in the coming weeks. Many times, these first movements are described as a flutter, or may feel like bubbles or gas. If you can feel your baby moving and shifting inside of you this week, you may be becoming aware of her sleep cycles.

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