Adam and I had another doctor's appointment today. Just a routine check-up and to listen to the baby's heartbeat again. It took the practitioner a good TWO MINUTES to find it! I wasn't really worried b/c I had no symptoms of a miscarriage. She was pushing on my stomach to get the baby to move a little bit. She finally found it and it was beating exactly 150 beats/minute. The doctor thinks the baby was sitting way towards the back of my uterus. We go back next week for the 20 week ultrasound, where we get to see the anatomy of the baby! I'm about 75% sure that we ARE going to find out the sex of the baby now!!!! We can't wait any longer...don't worry, we'll let all of you know!
Here's whats happening with the baby at 19 weeks:
Your baby is now the size of a large tomato. She is 6 inches long and weighs almost 8 1/2 ounces now! This is a very important time in terms of sensory development. Inside your baby’s brain, certain areas are being specialized for smell, touch, taste, hearing and vision. Another big development in the last week, hair may finally be sprouting from her scalp. By 19 weeks, the uterus is developed in the female and the testes and penis are easily identifiable in males. It may also be time for your ultrasound, so if you don't wish to know the sex of your baby, be sure to make it clear to the ultrasound technician, to avoid any unwanted information!