
Miscarriage: Part 2

Read Part 1here

Obviously my body was not recognizing that it was not pregnant, so we decided that it was time for medical intervention.  Before my OB/GYN did the D&C, he wanted to first rule out an abdominal pregnancy, so I was scheduled for a CT scan of my abdomen/pelvis.  Even though he did search my abdominal cavity during my first surgery, there are too many intestines to search through by surgery alone.  The CT would also show if there was a tumor somewhere causing my HCG levels to rise. 

{Wednesday Aug 15} CT Scan
The results from my CT showed no evidence of an abdominal pregnancy, which is great news because I would have had to have another surgery to remove the pregnancy, in Rochester or Iowa City.  The only thing that did show up was the cyst on my right ovary (remember at first it was thought to be the location of an ectopic pregnancy?!)  My doctor said that normally cysts don't show up on a CT, or are at least not as defined as mine was.  Now we have another dilemma on our hands....is it just a cyst or is it a tumor?  Now my fate boils down to the lab results from my scheduled D&C......If the tissues from the D&C were not in favor of embryonic development then we would have to start investigating the "mass" on my ovary.  (FYI - the mass isn't large at all - just a few centimeters I believe)  

{Friday Aug 17}  D&C
***The procedure went great.  It was a piece of cake, a much better recovery than the 1st surgery!  I was told that my results would come back on Monday or Tuesday.....more waiting....

{Tuesday Aug 21} HCG 3,000, lab results
*** My HCG level went down 52,000 points over the weekend - hallelujah! I have never been so happy to NOT be pregnant! We also got the lab report back from the D & C - the tissues were indeed 'products of conception' - which means no crazy tumor causing the increasing HCG levels. It is still puzzling as to why my levels were so high and why my body was not recognizing the unsustainable  pregnancy.

{Aug 28} Follow-Up D&C Appt, HCG 300
***My HCG levels today were 300 and should be down to zero within a week - yahoo!!!!!!  During my appt we discussed our entire situation and they "whys" behind everything.  My OB/GYN believes that I had twins, possibly triplets, trying to form!!!  Holy $#!*!!!  Why does he believe this???  1. My HCG levels were extremely high at the beginning of pregnancy 2. Two gestational sacs were present on the ultrasounds - but only contained blighted ovums  3. A molar pregnancy was ruled out via D&C cultures (Molars cause elevated HCG levels)

What a crazy story, huh?!

***As I mentioned in the last post, Adam and I dealing with our loss pretty well.  Some days are better than others.  I've seen a handful of pregnancy announcements on facebook and although I'm happy for everyone, I can't help but be jealous and sad that it's not us.  I'm anticipating that March may have some ups and downs, as that was when our due date was.  As my OB/GYN said, most miscarriages are a result of a chromosomal abnormality - it's amazing that our bodies can detect this.  He said that maybe one of the twins would have had Downs Syndrome and my body recognized this and told itself to stop with the fetal development.  When we look at it medically, we are much more at peace.

Adam and I both agree that our miscarriage would have been more difficult if 1) I was further along in the pregnancy 2) We actually had a baby growing 3) We had difficulty conceiving 4) we had multiple m/c.  Because we never saw a baby or heartbeat, we really didn't have anything to get attached to, other than the idea of having another baby.  Don't get me wrong - we were still sad.  However we know other couples who have been through way more devastating situations.

Now we have to wait a few months before we can start trying again for baby #2.  Thankfully we don't have any issues in the fertility department, as both pregnancies were conceived during the 1st month of trying.  I can already predict that I will be a nervous wreck the next time around - which is to be expected.  I hope to be sharing good news with you all in 2013!!!!  Please say a prayer for us.


  1. Hi Adam and Brooke, so sorry to hear about your loss. Soundsl like you guys are real troopers. Miscarriage is so hard! You guys are in our prayers. Just remember it is all in Gods hands and in his time. We didn't think we would ever get pregnant. We did and it ended in miscarriage. Now we have the two most beautiful children. We feel so blessed. God had another plan in mind for our children and i couldn't be more happy. I am sure you all will have baby number 2 on the way in no time. Love to you both!
    Kari & Jim

  2. Brooke, I was very sad to hear about your loss and all that you both went through to get to this point. However, I am so proud of you for sharing your story (must be the nurse in you). When Jason and I m/c, the greatest source of comfort I had was from talking with others that shared a loss such as ours. There really are a ton of emotions that a person goes through (all of them normal). I think talking about it is part of the healing process. I'm sure your story will help other couples that may unfortunately go through a personal loss such as this. You are such an amazing Momma and Wife. I'm so proud of you...Love to you both!


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