Happy 3rd Birthday to our little Harper!!!!!!
Although the past three years have gone by so fast, you are still so young and fragile! It must be so interesting to be 3 - with life happening so fast and learning new and exciting things every day. (No wonder why you don't like to nap - might miss out on something!) You are one of the smartest and kind-hearted 3-year-old's that we know. You are also one of the shyest...and silliest! One of our favorite things to do is watch you play with your babies - it tells a lot about your character :) We hope one day you get the chance to become a big sister, because we are confident that you will do an AMAZING job! We can't wait to see what this year has in store for you - hopefully lots of learning and breaking out of your shell a little bit :)
Weight: 37 #
Clothing Size: 3T/4T bottoms, 4T/5T tops - I now shop for Harper in the girls section - it feels so weird not to shop in the baby/toddler section anymore. Harper's clothes are already getting more expensive - I dread to see how much they'll cost when she's in high school!
Shoes Size: 9
Eating: Harper still eats almost anything (I refuse to put up a picky eater) - except for corn and cantaloupe. She loves fruit, cottage cheese, yogurt, toast, mac and cheese, cereal, chicken, deli turkey,chips, eggs, ice cream, chocolate milk and juice!
Sleep: It's hard to believe that she's been in a twin bed for almost a year. Harper goes to bed b/w 8:30-9 and wakes up in the 7 o'clock hour, sometimes later. She sometimes wanders into our room in the middle of the night and sleeps with us for a few hours and then goes back to her bed all on her own. It's so sweet - I don't mind, especially when Adam is at work and I'm all alone. She has started to go to the bathroom by herself in the middle of the night - score! Daily naps are still a struggle. The chance of her taking an afternoon nap is about 50/50, although she NEEDS a nap EVERY day! She will usually fall asleep on the couch while watching one of her shows and will sleep for about 2 hours. And don't even think about waking her up - she will be SUPER crabby!
Favorite Toy: Her twins - Carson and Avery
Favorite Activity: Playing on my Kindle, watching "her shows" (Caillou, Doc McStuffins, AFV, Scooby Doo), playing babies, or playing hide/chase
New Things:
*Goes to preschool (Tues & Thurs afternoons)
*Operates Kindle AND the computer by herself
*Goes potty by herself - includes getting her own toiler paper/wiping/flushing/washing hands
*Enjoys helping me cook/bake
*Beginning to recognize patterns (ex: red, blue, red, blue....)
*LOVES puzzles - can put together simple jigsaw puzzles together on own
*Swims by herself with water wings
*Can swing on the "big girl" swing
*Has a creative imagination - has an imaginary friend named Ashley, talks to her babies, sets her little table with food/dishes and sits down to eat with her babies, etc.
We are having Harper's birthday party this Saturday - check back for pictures!
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