
Poor Harper :(

Our poor little Harper got 'sick' for the first time on Sunday. For the most part, she has been a very healthy little girl - just a few small colds here and there, nothing major. So it broke our hearts to see her throwing up and just not being herself. I knew something wasn't right on Sunday morning when she took a 3.5 hr nap, and then only ate about 5 grapes for supper. She was also super cuddly after her bath on Sunday night- which is not like her at all! I continued on with our nightly routine of rocking in the chair while Harper drinks a sippy cup of milk before bed - all of a sudden she sat straight up and projectile vomited all over me and the chair! Curdled milk - NASTY! I took her upstairs and wiped her off, changed her PJ's, and gave her some medicine - only for her to throw up again! Meanwhile - Adam is cleaning up the mess downstairs and I am still covered in vomit - now drying to my skin! It's amazing how parenthood changes a person! I did not care ONE bit that I was covered in vomit - my ONLY care at the point in time was making Harper feel better. We decided that it would be best if we just kept Harper in her diaper until bedtime to avoid another wardrobe change! When it was time for bed, we brought Harper in our room to sleep with us - she wasn't having it! I guess it's a good thing that she doesn't like sleeping in our room - even when she's sick! So Adam ended up sleeping on her bedroom floor on Sunday night to make sure she was okay. I think she threw up about 3 times in the middle of the night- mostly just dry-heaving. We felt so sorry for her!

Sunday Night

Harper woke up on Monday morning - still not feeling well. She couldn't keep anything down that she ate or drank. Adam stayed home with her while I went to class and work. On top of vomiting, she started having diarrhea on Monday too.

Duckie - check! Paci - check! Elmo - check! Pedialyte - check! Cracker - check!

Harper pretty much slept ALLLLLLL day on Monday. Normally she only likes to sleep in her crib - but she slept on the couch with Adam or I and on the living room floor.

She hasn't thrown up now since about 6:00 on Monday night. She slept all night in her crib without getting sick. I was worried that she wouldn't be able to sleep last night because she pretty much slept all day yesterday, but she did just fine. She did wake up a few times in the middle of the night, requesting milk. I did give her a sippy cup of pedialyte/apple juice and she CHUGGED it right down - and was able to keep it in her system.

However, today she is not eating or drinking much. But still no vomiting - just diarrhea. Adam put her down for a nap at10:30 and she's still sleeping and it is not 1:30. I've heard her stirring around up there - I think I'll go get her up so she sleeps tonight :)

Although we hate seeing Harper suffering, it sure it nice to cuddle with her! I would also like to mention that Adam has been AMAZING throughout this whole process. He is such a good daddy to Harper! He hasn't complained one time - and he has been doing laundry and cleaning up puke like it's his job! I haven't had to worry while I'm at class/work because I KNOW Harper is in EXCELLENT hands!

I hope Harper starts feeling better soon. I'll keep you posted. On a happy note - today is the first day of MARCH! Yay!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Poor girl! I'm glad that she's starting to feel better now.

    It sounds like Harper and AJ are a lot alike. AJ also is not a cuddler whatsoever, much to my chagrin!


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