
1.5 Years!!!

Harper is 1 1/2 years old today! For some reason I am way more sad about this than when she turned one. She is growing up way too fast! I want to remember these every day little moments FOR.EVER! She is an awesome little girl - what more can I say?!?! For example, as I'm typing this, Harper is sitting in her chair, rocking one of her babies while saying 'shh, shhh, shhhh.' Okay enough, I'm tearing up :(


Clothing Size: 18 months, some 24 month tops and PJ's

Diaper Size: 3

Eating Habits: LOVES canned oranges! Harper would eat them for all 3 meals if we'd let her. She also loves to snack on yogurt-covered raisins (thanks for the idea Ashley and Jack). She eats almost everything - with the exception of any form of potatoes. We also taught Harper how to dip her hot dogs in ketchup - she thinks that is pretty cool.

Sleeping Habits: Still a great sleeper! Harper's bedtime is around 8 pm and she wakes up around 7 am. Still two naps each day.

Speech: This month Harper has learned how to say Abby, Happy, Snow (noooo), bowl, blue (boo), juice and choo-choo. She learned how to sign 'water.' Whenever she sees a fish she smacks her lips together :)

Favorite Toy: baby Elmo and accessories

Favorite Activity: playing with her babies

New Things:
  • I'm embarrassed to admit this one, but she can pretty much fart on command, AND she thinks it hilarious!
  • can climb up and go down her little slide all by herself
  • working on color recognition - I think she understands blue and orange

I'll post a video of her trying to say 'Happy Birthday' later this weekend. TGIF!


  1. Awesome. I love the farting on command! AJ now bursts out laughing everytime she burps. Its hilarious.

  2. The farting on command thing can actually be really helpful with potty-training. Try putting her on the potty sometime and tell her to fart and often times she will end up peeing as well. :) That's how Evelyn first started using it 1-2 times a day at that age!


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