
15 Months

Weight: 23.4 lbs ( +.6 from last month)

Diaper Size: 3

Clothing Size: 18 months - although they seem to be getting bigger on her. 12 months are snug and most 18 months are still a little too big

Teeth: Once again, I'm not positive on this because it's hard to tell. I think 15?? (7 on bottom and 8 on top)

Eating Habits: Eats anything and everything! She loves running to the pantry and pulling out a snack to eat - usually graham crackers. Harper's latest obsession is cottage cheese! No more formula - just 2 %! And she only gets a bottle IF she wakes up in the early morning hours.

Sleeping Habits: A morning and afternoon nap, each consisting of 1.5-2 hours. Bedtime is 8:00. Harper sometimes still wakes up b/w 5 and 6 for a bottle of milk. However, I think I'm going to end this soon. It's my goal over Christmas break. As of last week, if she woke up in the early morning, she SCREAMED her little head off if we took her out of her crib to change her diaper or give her a bottle, so we just gave her the bottle in her crib. I know, I know - that's terrible. I think maybe it's her way of telling us that she doesn't want that morning bottle, but yet she's still in the habit of waking up. I don't know???? The past 3 out of 4 nights she didn't wake up, so it's getting better. Last Saturday I got to sleep until 10:30 and today I got to sleep until 8:45!!!!! I am so thankful for my good sleeper!

Speech: Still lots and lots of gibberish! The name of our daycare is Kids Korner - Harper's version of it is 'Ka-Ka.' (which is also how she says cracker) She tries so hard to imitate our words - so I'm hoping she picks up more words soon. No new signs this month.

Favorite Toy: Still her baby Elmo and accessories.

Favorite Activity: HIDING! Harper loves playing Hide-and-Seek! She'll hide anywhere - in closets, behind furniture, behinds doors and curtains, etc. I'm pretty positive that she thinks we can't see her if she's not making eye contact with us. It is the funniest thing ever!

New Things:
  • covers her eyes and plays peek a boo with us
  • has time-outs (she sits at the bottom of our staircase until she is done crying - it works so far!)
  • I bought her a new CD, called Sing-Along Favorites by Fisher-Price/Little People - she loves it! Anyways, her two favorite songs are 'If You're Happy and You Know It' and "Itsy Bitsy Spider.' She knows majority of the actions for both songs. I will have to get this on video to show you - it's so cute!
  • Brushes her own teeth
  • Takes baths in the big tub
  • knows where her tongue is


  1. Cute! I might have to steal this little thing from you and start doing monthly updates for AJ!

  2. No problem Beth- it's a great idea! I enjoy looking back on the previous months - it's a great way to keep track of the milestones!


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