

The past few days have been full of excitement!!!

Graduation~ My brother, Michael, graduated from NIACC with his AA on Friday night. He will be attending Kirkwood in the fall, majoring in Accounting, then transferring to UNI. His plan now is to become a CPA. Good luck, Michael! We are very proud of you!

At Northwestern Steakhouse celebrating with the graduate!

21st Birthday~ Michael turned 21 yesterday! Happy Belated Birthday Michael! I don't think he is going to be quite as crazy as me when I was that age! At least I hope not! Living in Cedar Falls did not help my situation! I hope you enjoy yourself and have a few beers Michael!!!

8 month Birthday~ Harper turned 8 months old today!!! She is already 2/3 done with her first year of life!!! She is getting to be such a big girl! We love her so much - she's a load of fun!

Weight: 18.6 lbs (I even checked it twice - apparently she's becoming long and lean like her daddy)

Diaper Size: 3

Clothing Size: 6-9 months/12 months

Teeth: 6 - but in the process of cutting a few more

Speech: dada, learning the 'b' sound

Eating Habits: Eats every 3-4 hours during the day; baby food/cereal for breakfast, lunch & dinner - along with bottle, a few bottle in b/w - she pretty much loves all food - except bananas and peaches - she is just like a dog, always begging for our food! She started eating some Gerber Graduate finger snacks, along with diluted apple juice from her sippy cup!

Sleeping Habits: 1 long morning nap (1 1/2 - 2 hrs) and 1 long afternoon nap (same as morning); bedtime = 7:30ish - she usually wakes up around 7ish

Favorite Toy: light up/musical little piano (wonderful garage sale find for 50 cents!)

Favorite Activity: ANYTHING outside ~ going for walks, swinging, watching cars drive by, watching Alli run around

New Things:

  • crawling
  • pulling up onto furniture/toys/crib
  • cruising around on furniture
  • if you chant "wheel of fortune" - she stares at the TV - haha
  • uses a pacifier during naps/bed (we made it 6 1/2 months w/o one - but the bedtime routine got tricky once Harper became mobile)
  • hold her own bottle (when she wants to)
  • drinks from a sippy cup
  • got her first boo-boo ( pulled a bar stool on top of her and got a cut on her forehead)

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