
7 Quick Takes - a day late

So I'm not off to a very good start with the '7 Quick Takes'...We just had a very busy Friday!
  1. Harper had FIVE diaper blowouts this week! I changed her outfits and sheets more times this week than in her entire 8 months of life! Luvs and I are not friends anymore!
  2. The cement slab finally got poured for Ali's outdoor kennel - no more living in the garage for Ali!
  3. I got asked if I'd like some extra hours at work helping out the business office with some secretarial duties - I could use some extra cash so I will start going in for a few hours everyday for the next few weeks starting on Monday!
  4. Harper's 7th tooth popped through! She now has 3 teeth on the bottom!
  5. Harper pretty much weaned herself off her afternoon bottle - she now has a 'snack' which consists of juice, Gerber puffs, and toast!
  6. Our dear friends Abby and Aaron stayed with us Friday night! It was great catching up - we stayed up until midnight just chatting away! We're rebels - I know!
  7. Abby and I went to Northwood today to attend a baby shower for Lisa, our high school friend. She is due in 5 more weeks - but looks like she could pop ANY day now! It was good seeing her and her family! She got some great stuff! Adam and Aaron got in 18 holes while we were at the shower!

I think the warm weather is finally here to stay! Tomorrow is supposed to be 91!!!! I'm going to blow up the baby pool when I get finished with this blog - check back tomorrow for pictures of my little water baby:)

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