

If you know me even just a little bit, then you know that I am NOT a fan of dogs - not even just a little bit! Well, after months of persuasion, ADAM now owns a dog! Yep, you read that right! Adam is the new K-9 officer for Wright County! He loves it so far and this is something that he has wanted to do for a long time ~ he enjoys drug related cases at work. Alli (pronounced Ollie) is a 3 year old Dutch Shepard and she is very well behaved. She will be an outside dog at ALL times - in the winter she will be allowed in the garage. She does not bark at all and is very calm. She does great around Harper and I and Harper LOVES to watch her run around. So far we (yes, I said WE) are enjoying Alli - she is a good dog. I even enjoy being around her - but she still will never ever be an inside dog.

Adam and Alli

Oh yeah, along with Alli came Alli's car - a new Dodge Charger! It sure looks sweet sitting in front of our house :) It's an awesome car! I always assumed that K-9 vehicles were 'normal' inside - but the back seat is taken out - who knew? I didn't!

Congrats to Adam on this new position! You'll do a great job! I am very proud of you!

1 comment:

  1. nice! jake really wants a dog too, but i'm like you. we'll see who wins!


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