Our weekend started by taking a little trip to Emmetsburg on Friday afternoon to stay at the Wild Rose Casino/Hotel. We met Adam's entire family there and we had a great time just hanging out. We swam, ordered pizza, had a few drinks and socialized and even did a little gambling. No one won:( BUT, our hotel rooms were FREE because Gary and June have a very good friend that works there that hooked all of us up!
Harper and Daddy chillin' in the hotel room
Harper and Daddy laying in bed again - do you see a trend?!
Harper and her favorite Cousin Abby (she is WONDERFUL with Harper - and Harper loves her too!)
Swimming with Dad - they had a great time!
On Saturday we drove to Curlew (which is just a few miles away from Emmetsburg) to have Easter Dinner with Adam's Grandma. Harper was such a good girl on Saturday! She usually gets overstimulated by too many people and she has never been to fond of her Grandpa Gary, but here is PROOF that she really does love her Grandpa!
aw! I love the picture of Harper and me...she looks like she is chewing her toy very politely - with her pinky up! =)