
O Christmas Tree

Being first time homeowners has made us realize all the piddly stuff that we DON'T have, but is essential to everyday living. Things such as utensils, curtains, lamps, washrags, rugs, garbage cans, etc. You get the picture...all these things are so simple, yet so important to life. Anyways, last weekend I was taking down our Halloween decorations (remember I'm a procrastinator) and putting up our Christmas decorations, and I realized that we don't own a Christmas tree. Another one of those "things" that is annoying to buy, yet essential for the holiday season.

So Adam and I weighed our options. Option #1: cut down the pine tree on the side of our garage (which will be removed next year to make room for a garden) Option #2: go to a local Christmas Tree farm with Adam's co-worker (they offered to haul it back for us in their truck) Option #3: buy a pre-lit tree during a Black Friday sale

Well, I decided on option #4: buy one at an auction, which was held at the bar! I mean, who doesn't buy their Christmas tree at a bar, and on auction?!?! Well, it's not as redneck as you are thinking right now! Every year, Clarion has a holiday auction the Monday before Thanksgiving. All of the proceeds are used to buy holiday fruit baskets for residents of the care center and other needy citizens of Clarion. Any left over money is used to create a scholarship for a graduating senior. All of the items at the auction are donated by the people of Clarion and surrounding areas. A lot of baked goods, crafts, athletic apparel, gift certificates and random odds and ends are auctioned off. The auction is held in a big party room in one of the local bar..tons of tables and folding chairs are set up. Everyone grabs a number and a drink and enjoys the show!!

I had been eyeing the tree since the beginning of the night. It was a pre-lit tree, about 6 1/2 ft tall. Not a slim-line tree, but not a big fat one either, just a cute - medium sized one. (Next year it will look really cute in our front porch or sunroom) Of course it was one of the last things to be sold..so six beers later, it was up for bid. Things were getting VERY cheap at this point in the night because the crowd was dwindling down. I ended up getting the tree for $60, which is a very good deal considering 2 dozen rolls and a snowman craft went for $200 at the beginning of the night!! However, I came to find out that a few guys sitting behind me were bidding against me as a joke because they knew how badly I wanted the tree! So to make up for their mean prank, they bought me a Christmas wreath, a few snowman figurines, and a HUGE bottle (think bottle of wine) of hot sauce!

Overall, it was a fun night and my $60 Christmas tree purchase helped buy a little old lady a fruit basket! It will make for a great story to tell our kids someday! Next year, we plan on getting a real one. [I don't think Adam was too thrilled about my purchase ;) ] Do you remember your first Christmas Tree?!


  1. UMMMMM.....yea. We lived in an upstairs apartment with 3 rooms and a bathroom in the hallway. I was SO looking forward to getting our first Christmas tree together - something you always dream about. I come home from work one day and there was a Christmas tree - up and decorated!! Troy was so proud.......I was torked. Not only because I was not included in the whole tree festivities - but his MOTHER helped him pick out the tree!! Yea - he thought it would make me happy - but he found out different!! Good memories for our first tree together!! :)

  2. hahahahaha...I can TOTALLY picture that scene in my head!!!! WAY too funny!


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