Our sweet little Ellie is 7 months old now. I swear this past month went by in the blink of an eye!
She got to spend her "7 month Birthday" at the doctor :( She came down with her first (and hopefully last) ear infection. Poor little girl was in so much pain. We did enjoy the extra cuddles though!
Weight: She weighed 20# 3 oz at the doctor - diapered and clothed
Clothing Size: 6-12 months
Diaper Size: 3
Teeth: Two!!! "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth..." Elliet got her 2 bottom/center teeth on Christmas! What a great gift, huh?! Pleasantly to our surprise, her sleep was not interrupted.
Mobility: Not crawling yet, but can scootch backwards and in circles.
Speech: Lots of talking these days - she says MAMA(!), dada, and baba amongst other gibberish. I don't think she associates the words with meaning....except for mama?! {wishful thinking!}
Eating: Elliet eats 4 oz of formula about every 3-4 hours. She also eats baby food and/or rice cereal for supper.
Sleeping: Elliet still continues to take 2 long naps throughout the day! She has been waking up in the early morning hours for a bottle on most nights. She loves to snuggle with blankets when she sleeps - she pulls them up to her mouth/face and leaves them there. It worries Adam and I sick. We check on her throughout the night and remove the blanket off her face, but she always manages to pull it back up over her face. She's not particular about the blanket either - it can be any blanket. (We use light receiving blankets)
Favorite Toy: She has been enjoying the new toys that she received for Christmas - her favorites are the Fisher Price Bubble Gum Machine and her baby doll
Favorite Activity: Besides pulling hair, playing Patty Cake - or ANYTHING that we are doing. She has to be in on the action AT ALL TIMES
Health/Development/Milestones at 6 months:
Favorite Toy: She has been enjoying the new toys that she received for Christmas - her favorites are the Fisher Price Bubble Gum Machine and her baby doll
Favorite Activity: Besides pulling hair, playing Patty Cake - or ANYTHING that we are doing. She has to be in on the action AT ALL TIMES
Health/Development/Milestones at 6 months:
- first ear infection
- first 2 teeth
- first Christmas
- can sit up
- received first 1/2 of flu shot
- drinks from a sippy cup
- gives kisses