
Harper - Age 4

Sorry for the delay....life is busy with 2 kids, a husband that works the night shift, and myself working 12 hours shifts.

Here is Harper's 4-year-old developmental update:

Weight: 50 lbs!!!  (99th percentile)

Height: 43" (96th percentile)

Clothing Size: 6x (small)

Shoes Size: 10-11

Eating: Harper still sticks to her favorites: apples, cottage cheese, yogurt, toast, chicken nuggets,  ice cream, chocolate milk and juice!  More recent favorites include: grilled hamburgers, carrots with ranch, lunchables, and Kit-Kats.  She is very good at trying new things.  She weighs 50 pounds - obviously we don't have any issues in the eating department!  We do talk a lot about healthy and unhealthy food choices.  She usually asks "Does this have a lot of sugar?".  She honestly tries to make healthy choices and almost always requests water now instead of juice!   

Sleep: Now that Harper has school almost every morning, bedtime is much earlier.  We aim for 8:00.  We always read 3 books before bed, and now Ellie gets to join in on the fun.  Bedtime is usually a piece of cake, but sometimes Harper does lay in our bed until we go to bed.  Harper doesn't have a strict nap schedule.  She sometimes will nap, especially if she had to be at daycare at 6:30 AM.

Favorite Toy: Babies/stuffed animals

Favorite Activity: Playing with babies/stuffed animals, playing cards/board games, playing ball outside, or writing in her dry erase activity books

Personality: Harper has changed so much in the past year.  She is now much more outgoing and less shy around others.  Once you know Harper, you find out that she is a very smart, funny, polite, and sweet little girl.  Others don't see her stubborn side as much as we do, but she does get sassy every once in a while.  Nothing a little 'soap in the mouth' can't handle.  Yes, we're 'mean' parents and still spank too.

Big Sister: Harper is an AWESOME big sister.  I honestly have no complaints.  Harper has adjusted very well.  I'm sure things will change once Elliet is mobile and is getting into her stuff :)  Harper loves to help us take care of Ellie.  She helps feed her, change diapers, clean up spit-up, washes bottles, reads Elliet books, and gives her tons and tons of hugs and kisses!

     + can spell/write entire name (first, middle, last)
     + beginning to sound words out - working on spelling and reading
     + rides big girl bike with training wheels (and helmet!)
     + operates TV system completely by herself (including DVR)
     + goes to preschool 4 mornings/week
     + enrolled in dance (tap and ballet)
     + knows left from right
     + takes showers by herself and washes her own hair
     + loves playing with the neighbor kids

* I have to brag Harper up a bit  - She had to get 4 immunizations at her appointment last week and didn't cry, didn't even flinch!  

** Dr. Nagel thinks Harper is ready for KINDERGARTEN next year!  Yikes! (Although we think she is ready too.)  I guess we'll wait and see what the preschool teachers think!

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