Elliet turned 3 months 2 weeks ago! She's well on her way to month # 4 already! Here is what she's up to these days.
Height/Weight: We will find out next month at you check-up. You are definitely growing though! Adam brought the girls in to visit me at work last weekend and all of the patients said something along the lines of "She sure eats good!"
Clothing: 3-6 months
Diapers: size 2
Eating: You eat 4 oz of formula every 2-3 hours during the day. I swear you spit up half of it though. The doctor isn't worried. You're just a 'happy spitter.'
Sleeping: You have your good and 'bad' nights. (Bad meaning that yo wake up twice) Normally you had been going to be between 10 and 11 and waking up around 6 for a bottle, then back to bed for a few more hours. But lately you've been waking up around 2 or 3 for a bottle, and then again at 5 or 6. It must be a growth spurt. You still nap quite a bit throughout the day, but the naps are getting shorter, and wake periods are getting longer. You like to sleep in your swing or with daddy. We've also been laying you down in your crib for naps, which you don't mind.
Personality: You are usually an easy-going baby. You only get worked up if you're hungry or tired. You love to smile at us and have even given a few giggles. You have also started to 'talk' to us. You adore your big sister.
+ I think you may have allergies or a clogged tear duct in your left eye. It randomly gets red, watery and mattery. But only the left eye. It'll be irritated one day, and then not again for a few more days. O'well - mommy isn't too worked up about it. We'll just ask the doctor about it next month at your check-up.
+ You continue to spit up.... a lot. It doesn't seem to bother you though. I know spitting up is normal, but I just don't remember your big sister spitting up this month. I'm beginning to wonder if you have a milk sensitivity. But then again, you are gaining weight and show no others signs of an allergy.
+ You now 'talk' to us - cooing and screeching!
+ You LOVE to watch your big sister! You could watch her play all day.
+ You are not a fan of tummy time
+ You have found your hands and eat them ALL.THE.TIME.
+ still no pacifier!
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