
3 and 3 quarters

Harper will turn four in just 3 short months.  Here is her quarterly update:

Weight: 47 lbs (She's thick!)

Height: 41.5 "

Clothing Size: Tops = 6, Bottoms = 5/6

Shoes Size: 10 

Eating: We are finding that Harper is not a big breakfast eater.  She usually refuses breakfast when she initially wakes up, but will then ask for something around 10.  She still does a great job at trying almost everything we make and isn't too picky.  Her favorite foods are: toast, chicken nuggets, grapes, strawberries, yogurt, ice cream,  granola bars, and chocolate milk. 

Sleep: Bedtime is usually around 9 o'clock and she will wake up around 7:30.  Luckily she never wakes before 7:30, she often will sleep-in until 8:30-9!  We still don't make Harper lay down for naps, but she will nap on the recliner almost every afternoon around 4.  

Favorite Toy/Activity: Now that the weather is warming up, Harper loves playing outside.  She loves to play with her bat/ball, scooter, and chalk.  While inside, she enjoys playing with babies, finger paint, Go Fish, Old Maid, Crazy 8's, playing games on the Kindle, and reading books.

New Things:
     * Is playing T-Ball this summer
     * wipes her own butt (100% of the time!)
     *  is more outgoing! Harper will talk to almost anyone now if they try talking to her - such a relief
     * takes a daily multivitamin (gummy)
     * likes to wear my make-up
     * knows what soap tastes like :)
     * un-buckles herself from her car seat and gets out of the car on her own


1 comment:

  1. I can't even imagine that sweet little girl saying anything that would render tasting soap!!


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