
2 and a Quarter

Ok - here is a quarterly update on miss Harper. She is now 27 months - or 2 1/4 years!


Diaper Size: I am VERY happy to report that Harper only wears diapers when she is taking a nap or at night, which in that case, she wears size 4. Otherwise, she wears 2T pull-ups and 2T underwear :)

Clothing Size: 24 mo/2T bottoms, 2T/3T tops

Shoe Size: 7

Teeth: Harper's 2-year molars finally made their appearance on the bottom - no evidence of them on the top yet...

Eating: If it were up to Harper, her diet would consist strictly of yogurt, cottage cheese, apple juice, milk (white or chocolate), apples, cheerios, apples, ravioli, ranch (it's a food group in her eyes), m&m's, & chips (any kind). Harper continues to be a pretty brave eater - she tries almost anything and usually likes it.

Sleeping: Harper is still sleeping in her big-girl bed and does pretty good for being 2. There are some nights when she wakes up in the middle of the night and wanders into our bedroom - but we put her right back in her own bed. She stays in her bed 95% of the time and crawls out of bed in the morning to wake us up :) She is still taking one afternoon nap - and goes to be b/w 8:30 and 9:30. She usually wakes up in the 8 o'clock hour.

Speech: Harper can hold a pretty lengthy conversation with us now. She is so smart and picks up on everything we say. I don't even know where to begin. In the past 3 months her speech has grown exponentially. Let's just say that she is a talking machine! Sometimes she gets so excited about what she is trying to say that she stutters a little bit, which is normal.

Favorite Toy: all of her babies and baby blankets

Favorite Activity: coloring, singing, running around the house while we chase her and play hide-and-seek, JUMPING (if she were an animal she would definitely be a rabbit!)

New Things:
  • wears a pull-up or underwear during the day and uses the big-girl potty
  • sometimes call us Adam or Brooke ???????????
  • can drink out of a cup with no lid
  • puts on her own shoes
  • likes to wash her hands
  • starting to watch TV - has about a 30 min attention span
  • HAS to pick out her own clothes
  • very good with manners - please, thank-you, welcome, bless you, excuse me, sorry

I know I am leaving out so much stuff about Harper's development; so much has changed in just a short 3 months since my last update. Everyday with Harper is amazing - we are so blessed to be the parents of such a sweet, silly, and lovable little girl. Our hearts are overflowing with love for her - it's so hard to describe the love that you have for your own child - it's something amazing that we are so thankful that we get to experience.

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