
24 months

I think this is going to be my last 'monthly update' on Harper. Although she learns new stuff each month, it seems less interesting as compared to the earlier months when she was reaching bigger milestones like sitting, crawling, etc. I will probably do an update in 6 months.

Today Harper had her 2-year well child check and she did fantastic. Dr.Nagel was very impressed with her behavior and suggested that I reward her with a treat when we got home. But instead of a treat, Harper wanted to go to the library! So we went to the library and read books, played with puzzles and practiced drinking out of the water fountain.

Weight: 27.9 lbs (+.9 lbs) b/w 50th and 75th percentile

Height: 35 1/2 " (95th percentile)

I can't remember her head circumference, I think around 18" - 50th percentile

Diaper Size: 4

Clothing Size: 24 mo bottoms, 2T tops

Shoe Size: 6/7

Teeth: Harper's 2-year molars are DEFINITELY trying to make an appearance - the girls has been constantly chewing on her fingers for the past few weeks

Eating: nothing new to report - maybe a smaller appetite related to her poor gums. Dr.Nagel told me today that Harper can start drinking 1% milk now, and to limit her apple juice to 1 glass a day. Adam and I decided that Harper will drink milk with all meals, water before bed, and apple juice for a morning OR afternoon snack.

Sleeping: nothing new to report. Even with her teeth trying to break through, she has been sleeping 11-13 hours each night. As I hoped, Harper's bedtime has moved back up to the 8 o'clock hour on most nights and she is sleeping in her own bed again. We were given a twin bed set, so I think we will be transitioning Harper to a big girl bed in the next coming months. (don't worry - you know I'll make a blog about it!)

Speech: Too many words to list. She surprises us with new words each day. For example, today she saw Adam get out the coffee maker and said "coffee!" and during supper I wanted Harper to take a bite of her macaroni salad and she said "I taste it." A few of our favorite phrases right now are:
  • "I hold you" - she says this to her babies or to us if she wants to be held
  • "Shake your booty" (sounds like "shake your boy!")
  • "Sit up!" - she says this when Adam or I trying take a snooze on the couch
  • Nationwide is "ON YOUR SIDE." - she likes the Nationwide commercials on TV
  • "Awesome!"
  • "Touchdown!" - anytime she sees football on TV she yells touchdown
Favorite Toy: new baby that she got for her birthday - it laughs, cries, says "momma" and makes suckling noises she you feed her. Harper named her baby 'Sandy.'

Favorite Activity: playing outside - riding on her new bikes or playing with Ali, she still enjoys playing with her babies, reading books, and coloring

New Things:
  • is officially out of the nursery at daycare :( She is now with the big kids - she did great during her first 2 days there - didn't cry!
  • can count to 12
  • recognizes a few of her numbers (4, 9, 10) - Thanks Adam - I had NO part in teaching her these
  • is obsessed with our neighbor boy - they usually play together a few times/week

*Birthday pictures/video coming soon
*how-to-video coming soon
*recipe coming soon (you don't want to miss this one!)

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