
Funnies #2

A little background information first: The back windows of Adam's squad car are gated/screened so Ali doesn't try to jump out if the window's are down. Harper likes to help Adam put Ali in the squad car before they go to work, and then we peek in at Ali through the little holes in the window.

Earlier this week Harper walked to the front of my car, peeked in the front grill, and said "Hi Ali!" It was hilarious! But I understand her reasoning, the grill of my car and Adam's back windows do look a lot alike.


School Update

I can't believe that I've already been in school for one month so far this semester. It is definitely going by fast like I hoped. My nursing class this semester is 'Maternal and Child Health Care', and as the name implies, we are learning how to provide nursing care for pregnancy, labor/delivery, newborns, and pediatrics. I am really enjoying the class and clinicals. Today I got to see my first delivery and it was awesome!!! The past 3 weeks I have had plenty of opportunities to provide postpartum and newborn care. (and cuddle babies!)

After 4 weeks, I am still getting an 'A' in both of my classes, my nursing class and microbiology. I spend A LOT of time in class/clinicals. Last night I added up my time and I spend 26 hours in school/clinicals and another 4-5 hours driving, making 30 hours spent away from home each week. I understand that this is going to happen when I get a 'real' job, but on top of my 30 hours, I still have to do homework/study, housework, spend time with my family, work, and find time for myself every once in awhile. I am exhausted by the end of the week, but I know it will all be worth it in the end!

So now you know why I don't blog very often! But I do have a few other posts coming this week so check back soon.


Loaded "Baked Potato" Salad recipe

I tried a new recipe out for Harper's Birthday party and it was A.MA.ZING! My mom has already asked me for the recipe - so here it is. I highly suggest that everyone try this at some point!! Click on the link below.

Loaded "Baked Potato" Salad recipe


A few party pics

Once I upload pictures to facebook, I tend not to upload them to blogger because most of my blog followers are also my facebook friends - so I feel like I'm wasting my time. BUT...one of my main reasons for this blog is to document of our lives - so I guess I should write a little something about Harper's 2nd Birthday.

Well, the theme for the party was SCHOOL BUSES! Pretty creative, right?! I wanted to have a party that Harper would enjoy and right now one of her favorite things to do is watch the school buses go by our house every morning and afternoon.

I made my own pale yellow school bus invitations, with black and white polka dot accents. I also made Harper her very own school bus shirt to wear to her party. The shirt resembled the invitations.

We had 21 guests at the party - all family of course. It turned out to be a beautiful day - 85 degrees and sunny! After lunch, Harper opened up her presents. She got some great things, including: colors, markers, coloring books, chalk, Dora tricycle, Little People school bus, underwear, socks, clothes, Dora swimming doll, Dora guitar, Barney DVD, baby, money, treats, school bus picture frame, wooden puzzle cube, bubbles, school bus purse, books, Radio Flyer tricycle and a GiggleBellies DVD.

After presents we had a very special surprise planned for Harper - her very own bus ride!!! I contacted the school district's bus coordinator and asked if he would give us a quick ride around town for Harper's birthday, and he was more than happy to do so. Harper had a BLAST - she smiled the entire time - which was about 15 minutes or so. As soon as we got off the bus she said "more!" She is still talking about the bus ride.

After the bus ride we went inside for cake and ice cream. I attempted to make a school bus cake, but it didn't' turn out so hot! It's the thought that counts, right?!

We had such a great day with our family! We are so blessed to have family so close to our home. Thank you all for making Harper's 2nd birthday memorable for us all! Harper had a blast! It was a very busy day for her - she passed out during supper and didn't wake up until 8:00 the next morning!


24 months

I think this is going to be my last 'monthly update' on Harper. Although she learns new stuff each month, it seems less interesting as compared to the earlier months when she was reaching bigger milestones like sitting, crawling, etc. I will probably do an update in 6 months.

Today Harper had her 2-year well child check and she did fantastic. Dr.Nagel was very impressed with her behavior and suggested that I reward her with a treat when we got home. But instead of a treat, Harper wanted to go to the library! So we went to the library and read books, played with puzzles and practiced drinking out of the water fountain.

Weight: 27.9 lbs (+.9 lbs) b/w 50th and 75th percentile

Height: 35 1/2 " (95th percentile)

I can't remember her head circumference, I think around 18" - 50th percentile

Diaper Size: 4

Clothing Size: 24 mo bottoms, 2T tops

Shoe Size: 6/7

Teeth: Harper's 2-year molars are DEFINITELY trying to make an appearance - the girls has been constantly chewing on her fingers for the past few weeks

Eating: nothing new to report - maybe a smaller appetite related to her poor gums. Dr.Nagel told me today that Harper can start drinking 1% milk now, and to limit her apple juice to 1 glass a day. Adam and I decided that Harper will drink milk with all meals, water before bed, and apple juice for a morning OR afternoon snack.

Sleeping: nothing new to report. Even with her teeth trying to break through, she has been sleeping 11-13 hours each night. As I hoped, Harper's bedtime has moved back up to the 8 o'clock hour on most nights and she is sleeping in her own bed again. We were given a twin bed set, so I think we will be transitioning Harper to a big girl bed in the next coming months. (don't worry - you know I'll make a blog about it!)

Speech: Too many words to list. She surprises us with new words each day. For example, today she saw Adam get out the coffee maker and said "coffee!" and during supper I wanted Harper to take a bite of her macaroni salad and she said "I taste it." A few of our favorite phrases right now are:
  • "I hold you" - she says this to her babies or to us if she wants to be held
  • "Shake your booty" (sounds like "shake your boy!")
  • "Sit up!" - she says this when Adam or I trying take a snooze on the couch
  • Nationwide is "ON YOUR SIDE." - she likes the Nationwide commercials on TV
  • "Awesome!"
  • "Touchdown!" - anytime she sees football on TV she yells touchdown
Favorite Toy: new baby that she got for her birthday - it laughs, cries, says "momma" and makes suckling noises she you feed her. Harper named her baby 'Sandy.'

Favorite Activity: playing outside - riding on her new bikes or playing with Ali, she still enjoys playing with her babies, reading books, and coloring

New Things:
  • is officially out of the nursery at daycare :( She is now with the big kids - she did great during her first 2 days there - didn't cry!
  • can count to 12
  • recognizes a few of her numbers (4, 9, 10) - Thanks Adam - I had NO part in teaching her these
  • is obsessed with our neighbor boy - they usually play together a few times/week

*Birthday pictures/video coming soon
*how-to-video coming soon
*recipe coming soon (you don't want to miss this one!)


Note to Harper

Dear Harper,

Yesterday you celebrated your second year of life. And what a year it has been!
In the past year, you have learned how to feed yourself, run, jump and do somersaults, count to 10, brush your teeth, sing all the verses to 'The Wheels on the Bus', and so much more.

In the past year, you have grown to love taking care of your babies, coloring, swimming, spending time outside, playing with Ali, school buses, watching Elmo, Dora and Mickey Mouse, Wheel of Fortune, and America's Funniest Videos.

In the past year, you have enjoyed trying lots of new foods. Your consistent favorites have been apple juice, yogurt, cottage cheese, apples, and goldfish.

In the past year, you have become very shy around stranger, but very rambunctious at home with your mommy and daddy! The best words to describe your personality are funny, curious, attentive, and affectionate.

In the past year, you have gained 6 pounds, 2 shoe sizes, 2 clothing sizes, and 1 diaper size.

In the past year, you have gotten to know you family members very well. You love spending time with both sides of your family. You love to look at pictures of everyone and point everyone out and say their names. You are a very lucky little girl to have your entire extended family only an hour away. Your family loves you more than you will ever know.

In the past year, you have made your Mommy and Daddy the happiest people on this Earth. You have filled their lives with laughter, love, happiness, and a sense of peace in this crazy life that we all live in. You will never understand the importance of a simple smile and "Hi Mommy!" or a hug and "Wrestle Daddy!" You are the air that your Mommy and Daddy breath. Life seams unimaginable without you in it.

Harper, we are looking forward to what this next year of life brings to all of us. You are such a good little girl and you bring happiness to all of those around you. Our love for you is unconditional and grows each and every day. I never knew how big my heart was until you were born. I hope this next year brings you happiness. As long as you are happy, your mommy and daddy are happy too. Thank your for being the best daughter that we ever could have asked for.

Happy 2nd Birthday Harper Marie!

Love Always,
Mom and Dad


Funnies #1

Harper is beginning to talk a lot lately and picks up on almost everything we say. She has said some pretty funny things in the past few days. I want to write them down before I forget. So it looks like I'll be starting a blog series of 'Funnies.'

1. Brooke: Harper, what kind of pizza do you want?
Harper: Purple

2. Brooke: Let me pull up your pants.
Harper: Britches falling down!

3. Brooke: These bubbles reek like popcorn oil.
Harper: Reek...popcorn!
Brooke: What do they smell like?
Harper: Poop!


Best Friends

Here is a sweet video of Harper and Ali showing their love for one another :)

These two have really taken a liking to each other this summer. I love watching them 'play' together.

I am afraid of dogs, so I am amazed at Harper's courage while around Ali. Harper has never shown any fear around Ali.

I love that I trust Ali 100%. I know that Ali would never do anything to hurt Harper. Now Harper on the other hand....I think she gets a little rough with Ali by wanting to point out her eyes and ears while she gouges her little fingers in Ali's face. None the less, Ali takes it; after giving Adam a "help me!" look.

Harper also likes to boss Ali around ;)

I never thought I'd say it, but I am happy that Adam has brought Ali into our 'family.' (But don't get your hopes up, we will NEVER have an indoor pet.....EVER!)

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