
19 Months

Weight: 24 lbs ( I don't think she'll ever get past 24 lbs)

Clothing Size: 18-24 months

Diaper Size: 3

Speech: Where do I begin? I feel like she's learning new words everyday. New words this month are: bath, book, car (minus the r), thank you (coo), please (peas), cheese. I'm sure there are more, just hard to think. It is so sweet to hear Harper say ''please' and thank you' with out being asked.

Eating: Harper still LOVES canned oranges. Other regular foods include: grapes, buttered toast, yogurt covered raisins, goldfish, fig newton bars, apple juice, yogurt w/ granola, cottage cheese, and apples.

Sleep: Depends on the day, sometimes she wants to go to bed/take a nap and sometimes it is pure torture trying to get her to sleep. She has actually slept in bed with us 2 times this month, which is the first 2 times in her entire life. We are both against kids sleeping in bed with us, so we will really try not to make this a habit! I think she may already be starting to get some her 2 year molars b/c she has had some pretty restless nights this month.

Favorite Toy: Outside = cozy coupe, Inside = babies

Favorite Activity: If we're inside, she is obsessed with her babies and baby blankets! She will play with them ALL day. She feeds her babies, rocks her babies, burps her babies, and then covers up her babies. She has 2 babies plus Elmo, so after she gets them all settled, she starts the process over again. Yesterday I caught her yelling "No No!" at all the babies. She got right in their faces and gave them the business - I was laughing hysterically! If we're outside - she loves riding in her cozy coupe. She says "Caaa" - kind of sounds like she lives in Jersey :)

New Things:

  • loves being sung to - a few new favorites are 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star,' 'The Barney Song,' and 'Happy Birthday'

  • helps us unload the dishwasher

  • getting very good at using a fork AND spoon

Sorry for the lack of pictures. Harper has learned how to turn on my camera AND take pictures. So when I went to take some pictures yesterday, my camera died right away because someone decided to take 55 pictures of the floor.

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