
Productive Week

We had a very busy week - hence the lack of blogs.

Adam: Adam has been doing a great job of being 'Mr. Mom' this week. While I was in class or working, he took Harper sledding and played in the snow, read her a million books, bathed her, cooked her breakfast, etc. He does such a great job with her. Harper is a lucky girl. Adam was also busy painting the basement and hitting the gym again.

Brooke: I had my first full week of class and clinicals. I also had my first test of the new semester. I got an 87% - I'm happy with that! Our class size dropped from 35 students to 18 students from last semester. I have class M-W from 9-12:10 and I have clinicals on Th and F from 6:30 to 2:30 in Humboldt, which means I'm out the door by 5:45 :( I think I'm really going to enjoy this semester. I also worked 17 hours this week, so needless to say I am ready for the weekend!

Harper: Harper is back to her 'book' phase. She is absolutely OBSESSED with books right now! Her babies are a thing of the past, at least for now anyways. Her two favorites are Hop on Pop and ABC's, both by Dr. Seuss. She also loves her three voice recorded books from her Grandparents. We finally put them up so she wouldn't wear out the batteries and/or damage the book. Harper wants to ready books ALL day, specifically in the rocking chairs. It is adorable though :) She also figured out to take off her pants. So.....it's a constant battle of keeping them on her. We usually just let her run around with out them on as long as she's warm. I have a feeling that the shirt will be coming off next!

Alli: Yes, I'm updating you on the dog because she is in BIG trouble! Normally Alli spends all her time in the garage during the winter. But because of the extremely cold weather in the past month, we've been letting her stay downstairs for the time being. Well, pretty much because the basement is under construction - once it is finished - she WILL NOT be allowed downstairs. Anyways......she sleeps in her crate during the night, but is free to roam around during the day when we are home. 99% of the time she is laying at the stair landing. Well, she wasn't really around today which was weird. When Adam went downstairs to check on her her found that she chewed up the electrical cord to the shop vac. Not just chewed it up into a few pieces - it's in about 200 tiny shreds! I don't know how she managed to chew through the rubber and little copper wires. It couldn't have felt good if she ate any of the wires. She's lucky it wasn't plugged in. But that's not all - last week she went into the laundry room and chewed up one of Harper's mattress pads and high chair cover. So ....she's on the s#!# list! She will only go downstairs during the night so sleep in her crate and then she's off to the cold garage. I have no sympathy for her, and surprisingly neither does Adam.

That pretty much sums up our week. Hope everyone has a great weekend! Stay warm!

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! When we first had Abby (our dog) she chewed through a lamp wire that was plugged into the wall and then my computer charger cord a few weeks later. Needless to say, after we determined that she was still alive we were not very happy with her.


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