
16 Months

Weight: 24.6 lbs (+1.2 lbs from last month)

Clothing Size: 18 months

Diaper Size: 3

Teeth: Unsure, but I think Harper has all of her teeth, except her back molars ~ and I DEFINITELY think she is cutting these

Eating: Has worked up quite the appetite ~ Harper eats pretty much whatever we eat, except the obvious things like chips, pop, candy, spicy foods, etc. She will try pretty much everything. She wants to eat ALL.THE.TIME! She is getting better with her fork and spoon. NO more early morning bottle!

Sleeping: Depends on the day.....I used to have such a great little sleeper. Like I mentioned above, I think she is working on her one-year molars. There are some nights when she's up every hour or so, just whining. She's never wide awake, but just rolling around or sitting in her crib whimpering. However, she is still a great napper! Usually two 1.5-2 hr naps a day, or one loooong nap :) Bedtime is still 8ish and she will sleep for about 12 hours!

Speech: Harper is always babbling - it has really picked up this month. She can now say 'papa' and 'baby.' She also kind of says 'cookie' when referring to Cookie Monster. She tries say sock - but all we usually get is 'sssssss.'

Favorite Toy: Her babies or Elmo camera

Favorite Activity: hide and seek! She could play this game for hours! She signs 'more' whenever we stop hiding

New Things:
  • follows commands: throwing things in the garbage, putting toys away, finding her cup, etc.
  • turns the TV on and off
  • holds up one finger when asked how old she is - or when ever she hears the word 'one'
  • climbs down the stairs now
  • points to her ears and eyes, in addition to her tummy, toes, tongue and hair

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