
House Updates

Here is a little update on our home:

1. Basement Remodel: The tile is down and half of it is grouted. The sheet rock is up, mudded and taped. Adam primed the walls today and will hopefully get the first coat of paint on tomorrow. {notice the 50" flat screen in the bottom left corner? yeah - Adam just HAD to have it for downstairs}
2. Living Room Furniture: Since we lost our basement furniture in the flood, we decided we would move the living room furniture downstairs and buy new for the living room. Our living room furniture was deteriorating quickly and was full of milk and snot stains. Maybe a little TMI, but that's what happens when you have a small child. We decided that if we were going to spend the money for new furniture then we might as well replace the this and get higher quality stuff since we used the living room way more than the basement. So here's what we went with - nothing too exciting. It's neutral and matches our woodwork nicely.

3. TV{s}: We HONESTLY were in the need of a new TV for the living room. The top part of the picture was blurry and had lines running through it. It was just a matter of time before the entire picture went out. So, Adam went to Best Buy and came back with TWO TV's. A 42" for the living room and a 50" for the basement. Whatever I guess, it's a man thing. I do enjoy the larger picture now, and it's an HD. The Geek Squaud also hooked up the Internet to Adam's PS3, so we can get Netflix through the PS3 too - we've already knocked 3 movies out this weekend! Can you figure out what I'm watching?!

Yesterday we spent a good hour or so at Menard's pricing items to update our bathroom upstairs. I guess that is our next project to conquer. I also want to paint the living room a different color - and redecorate it - it's hideous (see 2nd picture!). It's never ending when you become a home owner! Hopefully I'll be posting pictures soon of our painted basement!

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