
6 MONTHS!!!!!!

Happy 1/2 Birthday to my little Harper!!! We CANNOT believe that she is 6 months old already! We've been giving her a sippy cup lately just so she becomes familiar with a cup and while she was trying to drink out of it today, Adam and I looked at each other and agreed that we are a little sad that she's getting so big! But we are also ready for her to enter the next stage of her life - crawling, cruising furniture, etc. She seems to be getting bored with just laying on the floor - she rolls all over the place and you can tell that she wants to crawl so bad! She has gotten up on her knees a few times, but only for a few seconds. It is so much fun to watch her learn new things.

Harper has her six month check-up next week due to her four month check being postponed because of her fever. I'm anxious to see how big she is now! I will post her stats next Friday after her appointment. Here is what she's up to now a days....

Weight: 17+ lbs

Diaper Size: 3

Clothing Size: 6-9 months

Teeth: TWO!! Both on the bottom

Mobility: rolling over both ways - EVERYWHERE - she usually ends up on the opposite side of the room

Speech: more laughing, lots of squeals, blowing bubbles

Eating Habits: 4 oz of formula every 3 hours - oatmeal cereal for breakfast - veggie baby food for lunch - veggies and rice cereal for supper

Sleeping Habits: Bedtime b/w 7:30 and 8 - usually wakes up b/w 4 and 6 for a bottle and then goes back to bed until 8 or 9 - takes three 1/2 hour to 1 hour naps throughout the day

Favorite Toy: vibrating teether

Favorite Activity: scooting around on the floor and bathtime

Firsts this month:
  • drinking from a sippy cup ( well...we're practicing)
  • eating baby food - so far she eats carrots and sweet potatoes
  • rolling over from back to tummy
  • 2 new teeth!

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