
2 months

I attempted to create a blog yesterday but our internet was down all evening, so this is a day late. Harper turned 2 months old yesterday! She goes to the dr. for her 2 month wellness check tomorrow, Friday the 13th - very fitting because she will get her first round of vaccinations - NOT looking forward to that! On one hand it seems unreal that shes already 2 months old, I remember being in labor like it was yesterday! But on the other hand, it seems like I've gotten WAY more than 2 months worth of sleepless nights! She has her good days and her bad days - seems to be more bad than good lately! She is SO SO happy for the first 15 minutes when she wakes up in the morning - and then its all downhill from there! She's at the stage right now where she's awake more and needs more attention. Unfortunately, shes not able to entertain herself yet, so she is very demanding - always has to be held or likes to be talked to. She will only play on the floor for about 10 minutes before she's bored. She is a HIGH MAINTENANCE little girl already! She really isn't on any sort of schedule yet - sleeps and eats whenever. Her nights are a little more structured - we give her a bath b/w 7 and 8 and put her to bed b/w 8 and 9. She usually wakes up b/w 12 and 1 and then again b/w 3 and 4. Shes up for the day b/w 7 and 8! She used to be the queen at taking naps - not so much anymore - 30 minutes here and there - I wish she'd take longer naps so she wasn't so crabby! O'well - everyone keeps saying it'll get better after 12 weeks! I hope the Lord blesses me with patience for the next 4 weeks! I've decided that she has a case of the colic!!!!

2 months old - can you guess who bought her shirt?! (it says 'pretty like mommy')

Yes he does Harper! :)

Happy belated Veteran's Day to my hubby! I love you and I am so proud of everything you've done for our country! Also, thanks to my father-in-law and brother-in-law and many other friends!

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