If you are living on planet Earth, then you've heard about the controversy Michael Phelps is going through after a photo was released of him smoking pot about 6 months ago. One of Michael's sponsors, Kellogg, is not renewing their sponsorship contract with him, which ends at the end of this month. The USA Swimming corporation has suspended Phelps for 3 months, as a form of punishment for his actions. I can't decide how to feel about this situation, one day I think people are making a big deal because it's Michael Phelps, and the next day I think he should be punished more!
MANY MANY people are banning Kellogg, calling the company (Kellogg now has a special line for complains about dropping Phelps), sending hate mail and threatening e-mails. A lot of people feel that the media is making too big of a deal about this. Would young kids really know about this if the media wouldn't have blown this story up? HIGHLY DOUBTFUL!!! Is it anyones business besides Phelps'? ABSOLUTELY NOT!
On the other side, Phelps is supposed to be a role model for young kids. He made a poor decision and should be punished for it. Think of all the other athletes (A-Rod for example) who get caught using drugs, they get suspended or fined, it should be no different for Phelps, Olympian or not! Let us not forget that he got an OWI in 2004 as well!
There are a few things that are bothering me about this case. The first is that 8 people have been arrested in relation to this picture - as I recall, Phelps was the one smoking, no one else, so why hasn't HE been arrested? Second, the infamous bong is being sold on eBay, it is selling for around $100,000! However, it's totally illegal to sell drug paraphernalia online..duh?!?! And lastly, doesn't the world have bigger problems to worry about, like FINDING OSAMA BIN LADEN, instead of arresting a few people that were smoking pot with Michael Phelps...
My feelings for Michael Phelps have not changed. I think he's an amazing athlete and has the potential to give back and be a positive role model for young kids. Everyone makes mistakes, learns from them, and moves on. I think that's what the media needs to do as well. Phelps apologized, was punished, and is moving on, so should we! What are your thoughts/feelings?