
Movin' On Up

Adam is now one spot away from working the day shift.  Yay!

Currently, the Sheriff's office is an 8-man department, with the first 4 deputies working days and the last 4 deputies working nights.

Adam is now deputy #5 (He started at 8!)  The previous sheriff retired a few months ago and one of the deputies took over as the new Sheriff today.  So everyone essentially "moved up one spot."

Adam is "next in line" for days if any of the 4 day deputies should resign/retire.  (Which it sounds like will be in 3 more LONG years!)

Thank goodness Adam loves his job - He has already worked nights for 5 years - I couldn't imagine having to put up with 3 more.  7 months of the night shift was enough for me!!!!


30 Week Update

Size of Baby: She weighed 3# 2 oz last week.  Average size for 30 weeks gestation is about 3 lbs & 15.5" (head of cabbage)

Total weight gain: 17 lbs (only 3 lbs away from my 20 lb goal :( and considering the baby is going to grow at least another 3 lbs - not looking good for me!)

Maternity Clothes: Maternity jeans with any top.  I need to invest in some bigger scrubs too.

Gender: Our 3-D ultrasound confirmed that it's still a girl!

Movement: Lots!  It makes my whole belly jump!

Sleep: I'm up to about 3 bathroom breaks in the middle of the night now.  Otherwise, I have no problems in the sleep department.

What I miss: putting on socks/shoes without getting winded

Symptoms: My legs/feet still swell after being on them too long - which is pretty much my norm.    I am starting to feel tired again and my bladder CONSTANTLY feels full

Cravings: Mint Oreos and milk!

Best Moment of the Week: I started going back to the gym - it feels good to be there again.  (Apparently I need to spend more time there!)

Looking Forward To: Our Dr. visits are every 2 weeks now!  
30 weeks - 9 more to go!


Taco Johns

On Sunday we ate at Taco Johns.  It was a first for Harper.  It was between Jimmy Johns and Taco Johns.  {I bribed her by telling her that they have awesome "tater tots."}

She LOVED it!  We got a 6-pack and a Pound to split between the 3 of us, and I think Harper ate 3/4 of the Potato Oles!

Anyways...later that night Harper asked me if we could go to "Waffle Johns" next time so she could get some waffles.  Followed by "French Fry Johns!"  Oh what a funny girl!


3-D Ultrasound (Baby #2)

We had our 3-D ultrasound yesterday and got to see Baby Girl again.  (Yep - it's still a girl!!!)  

She is growing perfectly - measuring just a few days big.  She weighed in at 3 lbs 2 oz! (Harper weighed 2 lbs 11 oz at 28 weeks)

Her heart rate was 143.

She is in the head-down position.

We weren't as happy with the quality of our pictures this time around - they weren't as clear.  Not quite sure why....

Baby #2 @ 29 weeks

Harper @ 28 weeks

We see some similarities when comparing the pictures from Harper's 3-D ultrasound and Baby #2's 3-D ultrasound.  What do you think?!  


What Is Love?

For adults, love seems to be so complicated.

For children, love is quite simple.

While giving Harper too many hugs and kisses last night during our bedtime routine, we exchanged "I Love You's."  I was curious if she could explain in her own words what "love" means.  So I asked her.  Here is Harper's response:

"Love means that you really really really care about someone."

Awww.....how perfect!


Still Here

We're still here....patiently waiting for Spring.

No news to report here.  We had a pretty low-key week.  We did make a random trip to Des Moines on Monday so Adam could order a new bullet-proof vest for work.  Did you know that a bullet-proof vest is only good for 5 years?  News to me.  It's hard to believe that Adam has been with the Sheriff's office for 5 years already!  Which means we've lived in Clarion for 5 years already - I still tell people that I'm "new" to Clarion.

Now that it is "Spring" Adam has started working part-time for a guy here in town that sells seed to the local farmers.  (He worked for him last year too.)  He enjoys getting in some "man time" and hanging out with the guys.  Adam usually works there on his days off from the Sheriff's office.  He said he's doing it to pay for his golf membership - fine by me!

Harper and I enjoyed our Friday off from school/work.  We slept in until 9:45 and lounged around in our PJ's until 3.  We took a quick bike ride up to the library to get some books and a movie for the weekend.  (Our library has FREE movies - score!  This makes my wallet happy because Harper doesn't usually sit for a whole movie - so I don't like paying for movies for her at Redbox.)  Then we all went to the track meet, followed by supper at Subway.

Harper "watched" her movie and is now asleep up in her bed.  Time for me to order some stuff off my Target List that is on sale this week and catch up on Pinterest.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Check back next week for pictures from our 3-D ultrasound!!!
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