

Here is a fun quiz that is 'Pinterest' inspired :) Harper is 28 months old.

Ask your child to recite her name: Harper
How old are you: She said one but held up two fingers
What is your favorite color: blue
Who is your Best Friend: Bubba (Adam's friend, who she often says is her boyfriend)
Favorite Animal: duckies
What do you want to be when you grow up: I asked her where she wanted to work when she got big and she said "in daddy's cop car"
Favorite Movie: Kevin (Home Alone)
Favorite Book: library ??????? then she said Caillou book
What makes you happy: she said "cheeeese"
What Makes you sad: tired
Favorite Food: yogurt
Favorite Song: Itsy Spider (Itsy Bitsy Spider)
Favorite Game: football

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