
2012 Goals

Now that we're already 8 days into the new year, I suppose I better share our goals for 2012. The word resolution is too harsh and serious. It is much easier to work towards a goal.

Adam: Adam wants to become healthier. He made a great point when I said, "What?! You are skinny!" He reminded me that skinny is NOT healthy. Good point, Adam. His plan is to cut out junk good and hit the gym more. Pretty general goal, but still very important.

Adam also said he wants to be nicer, generally speaking. Okay?????? While he was at the gym the other day working on his 1st goal, he attempted to be friendlier to a Clarion resident that he doesn't really care for. He was so proud of himself. Good Job, Adam!

Brooke: My #1 goal is to get healthier as well. Whose isn't? Very stereotypical, but I am not a healthy person. I go through phases of eating healthy and exercising. It annoys Adam because I can never stick with a diet. I joined Weight Watchers when I was in college and I lost 25 lbs.....and I've put most of it back in the past 6 years. Which is why I'm joining Weight Watchers again tomorrow!!!!! I am very excited! I am not happy with the way I look and feel these days. I don't even like going out in public and I wear sweatpants almost everyday because my jeans don't fit like they used to. I finally decided that it is time to make a change and get healthy for myself and my family.

My other goal is to decorate our house. This summer will mark our 4th year of living in our house and it has NO style. It drives Adam nuts! I'm hoping to have a full-time nursing job by the end of the summer and I plan to use the extra cash to slowly decorate each room. I finally decided to join the 'pinterest' world and I am gathering some cute ideas.

Harper: My goal's for Harper for this year were to conquer potty-training and get rid of her pacifier. She is doing better than Adam and I because she has reached BOTH of her goals already! More on both of these later this week.

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