Weight: 23.8 lbs (-0.8 lbs)
Clothing Size: 18 months
Diaper Size: 3
Teeth: ALL of her teeth are in for her age - including the 4 molars :) We're sleeping well in this house again
Speech: Harper is a jabber box! She has learned a few new signs this month: ouch, book, and cat. She calls us by mama and daddy now :) I never get tired of her calling me mama :) Her new words for the month are: elbow (bo-bo), bubble (bubba), Kaitlyn (Kay-Kay), apple (aaa-pah), and of course duckie!
Eating: Harper's obsession this month for breakfast has been buttered toast. She eats TWO pieces every morning! She also enjoys scrambled eggs and oatmeal for breakfast. Harper has also been obsessed with canned peaches, canned oranges, and deli shaved chicken breast. She's an excellent eater and eats almost everything we eat. She stills drinks diluted apple juice, 2% milk, and water.
Sleeping: Sleeping is much better again now that she is done teething. Harper usually goes to bed sometime b/w 8 and 9 and
usually sleeps until 7ish. Sometimes earlier, sometimes later. She still takes a morning nap and an afternoon nap - each 1.5 - 2 hrs. She hasn't attempted to crawl out of her crib yet, so until then she'll remain sleeping in her crib.
Favorite Toy: back to Baby Elmo and accessories :)
Favorite Activity: wrestling with daddy, reading books, feeding her babies, and playing hide and seek
New Things:- walks down the steps (gives mom heart palpitations)
- LOVES helping us - puts away dishes, throws items in trash, puts dirty clothes in hamper
- becoming more cuddly
- takes own pants off
- points to elbow, knees and fingers
She is growing so fast! She has a great personality - happy, funny, and sweet. She obeys the rules, helps us pick up the house, and gives the best hugs :) We never expected to laugh so much - she is such a silly girl! She is very active and rarely slows down, unless of course she is feeding a baby or reading a book. She keeps us on our toes, that is for sure! It's hard to believe that she'll be 1 1/2 next month!!!!!