
Blue Hands = Fever = Ear Infection

My motherly instincts kicked in once again. Harper has been taking 2-3 hr naps all weekend and a little crabby, which is not like her. After she woke up for a 3 hour nap this morning, I fed her and she was very fussy. Then I changed her diaper and her clothes and she cried - which NEVER happens - she loves being changed - seriously! So I knew something was wrong. I noticed that her hands were bluish and it freaked me out because I had never seen them like that before. So I got on the internet and searched for causes and I found that it may be the start of a fever. So.....I took her temp and it was 100.4! Then I took it again a little later and it was 100.7! Harper was just at the doctor last week so I didn't want to bring her in again if it wasn't necessary. After talking to the nurse, they wanted Harper to come in to make sure she wasn't getting an ear infection or RSV. Poor thing has a mild ear infection in her right ear:( Luckily we caught it in time and quickly got her on some medicine so it doesn't get any worse or spread to the other ear. She has slept pretty much ALL day - I'm hoping she sleeps tonite! She has been a great snuggler today - reminds us of when she was a newborn :)

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