
You Get What You Pay For

On Saturday night, Adam and I went on a date, which only happens every 4 to 6 weeks because he usually works weekends. We ate at a little authentic Mexican restaurant here in Clarion, then went to see 'Yes Man' over in Belmond. You can't beat seeing a newly released movie for $2! It sure beats paying $7-9 at a newer theater and then spending another $5-10 at the concession stand! In Belmond, popcorn ranges from 75 cents for a small, up to a whopping $2 for a large! So anyways, we thought we were going to have an inexpensive, enjoyable evening, but we thought wrong. I guess the one down-side of having a theater in a small town is that EVERY kid goes to the movies too. I felt like a grumpy old lady as I left, complaining about the rude kids up front, but I wasn't the only one. Several people throughout the movie asked them to be quiet/shut up, but nothing worked...I wish they would've got kicked out. O'well - the movie was still hilarious and we enjoyed the time spent with each other. Next time we are going to attempt the late movie, with hopes that the kiddos won't be there because it may interfere with their curfews :) Maybe paying $9 for a movie is worth it after all.....


  1. I feel sorry for you Brooke! I hate a good movie ruined!

  2. I know you do Brett! You are picky when it comes to movie theaters - you would have been mad!


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