
6 month check up {Elliet}

Elliet had her 6-month check up last week and she is thriving and growing right on track.

Poor thing had to get 3 vaccinations along with her first half of her flu shot.  (Babies get them in 2 one-half doses)  The nurse told me that I could 'check-out' her second dose next month and just give it to Elliet at home to avoid bringing her in.....YEAH RIGHT!  I'll let someone else be the mean one....I am every day at work :)

Because Elliet is a healthy little big girl, there is nothing exciting to report.

Height: 28 inches
Weight: 19 pounds, 11 ounces

(In case you're wondering Harper was 27 inches and 17 lbs, 13 oz at her 6-month check up.)


Elliet {6 months}

Elliet has already made it half-way through her first precious year of life!  Hard to believe!  Her first birthday will be here before we know it!  (We're having a bumble bee theme!)

Diaper Size: 3

Clothing Size: 6-9 months/12 month

Teeth: none yet - but there is LOTS of drooling and chewing on EVERYTHING....plus she has started having multiple dirty diapers throughout the day, and has her first diaper rash....which is probably because she has started eating REAL food now!

Mobility: rolls from tummy to back....and somehow manages to scootch across the blanket!

Speech: LOTS of squealing/cooing and some laughs....she has recently starting say la-la-la-la and also the ba and da sounds.

Eating: eats 4 oz of formula every 2-3 hours....eats baby food for supper.  So far Elliet has tried carrots, yams, and bananas.

Sleeping: Elliet has finally figured out how to take naps :)  She takes a 2-hr nap in the morning, a 2-hr nap in the afternoon, and a 1-hr nap after supper.  Bedtime is around 9:00.  She still wakes up for a bottle in the morning hours (most nights) and then goes back to bed until 8:00/9:00.

Favorite Toy: soft blocks

Favorite Activity: playing in the jumperoo and watching Harper

  • can sit up unsupported for a few minutes
  • learning how to drink out of a sippy cup - you love it!  So far you've tried water and apple juice
  • celebrated your first Thanksgiving - and watched Papa makes noodles
  • went to the Christmas Tree farm
  • got your first diaper rash
  • got a rash of some sort all over your tummy and back - we treated it with eczema cream, added a humidifier to your room, and cover you up with a lighter blanket at night.  This seemed to do the trick
  • still no pacifier
  • ALL of your naps are taken in your crib - and we lay you down awake!
Happy 1/2 Birthday Baby Girl!!!!

See what Harper was up to at 6 months....Click HERE



Another favorite holiday tradition in my family is making homemade noodles for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  My dad preps, rolls, and cuts the dough the first thing in the morning.  Then the kids break the long strips of noodles into smaller sizes.  This is something I did as kid and loved it.  Now Harper is joining in on the fun.  Such a special tradition!

tearing the noodles into smaller pieces

my Dad rolling out the dough

Elliet tried a noodle :)

Give me those!


Tree Farm 2013

Our favorite holiday tradition: cutting down a real Christmas tree at Aldrich Tree Farm.
This makes for our 3rd year in a row.
Elliet got to join us this year. (She was actually with last year, all warm in my tummy, just a few months gestation)

Happy Holidays!

The girls in front of "the" tree

cruising around the tree farm in daddy's lap (note: we were going 5 mph)

the "must have" picture



A few years ago the Clarion-Goldfield School District stopped mailing out the monthly newsletter and went electronic.  I am horrible at remembering to check the website each month to read about the school happenings.

As I was catching up on Novembers newsletter I saw Harper's picture 3 times! 

See if you can find her....click on the link below.



Dance Sneak Peak

 A few weeks ago it was 'Parents Night' at dance class.  We had the opportunity to watch the dancers during one practice session.  Now we won't get to see them until the big recital in MAY.  I can't wait to see the progress.

We were pleased with Harper, being this is her very first year of dance.  (Some of the girls in her class are on their 2nd year)  Harper was well-behaved and looked like she knew what she was doing.  She has fun and that's all the matters.

Enjoy the videos.

Video 1:  The girls are stretching and counting in French (Harper is on the far left)

Video 2: Practicing at the barre - Harper is just right of the her teacher (PS - Harper is asking Santa for a ballerina bar)

Video 3: Practicing tap

Hope these made you smile today!


Baby Food!

Now that Elliet is a "supported sitter" we have decided to start her on baby food.  She loves to eat - does that surprise you?!  So far she's only tried carrots.  I am making my own baby food again this time around.  It is so much cheaper and healthier.  

Not sure what to think of the first bite.....
No Dad - I don't want any!

Elliet is a very good eater so far - she patiently waits with her mouth wide open for the next bite.  It's adorable!

Next on my list to make is sweet potatoes and squash!

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