
Elliet {2 months}

Weight: 13 # 4 oz (95th percentile)

Height: 24" (95th percentile)

Clothing: 0-3 months, some outfits are getting a wee-bit snug though :)

Diapers: Size 1

Eating: 4 oz of formula every 2 hours, and you still act hungry!  I'd feed you more, but you spit up quite a bit, there's no more room in your tummy!

Sleeping: You sleep through the night now!!!!  Bedtime is around 11 pm and you will sleep 6-8 hrs straight!  We'll feed you a bottle and then you go back to sleep for a few more hours - the sleep is wonderful!  You still nap quite a bit during the day.  You're usually up for an hour and then sleep for an hour.

Personality: You are generally a happy baby, unless you're tired - and then "watch out world!"  You learned how to smile at 6 weeks and it just melts our hearts.  You like to smile at whoever talks to you.  But when you're tired, you are a fussy, fussy grizzly bear!  You don't like to do anything except for walk around until you fall asleep.  


+ love to smile at your animal friends on your mobile in the crib
+ can track objects/people
+ starting to coo
+ have found your tongue recently and love to stick it out
+ enjoy laying under your play mats
+ received 3 shots at your 2 month check-up and did great - no fever or fussiness 
+ love to watch your big sissy (Harper calls herself 'big sissy' and calls Elliet 'little sissy')

Click HERE for Harper's 2 month blog

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