
4 more months???

Baby Girl #2 will be here in only 4 more months...or less!  

Although my due date is June 24, my repeat c-section will be no later than June 17th.  I'm not quite sure the reasoning behind the date, but my OBGYN performs his c-sections at 39 weeks, or sooner if necessary.

Unless I go into labor before June 17th, I'm quite positive that the 17th will be Baby's Birthday, it's on a Monday...an ideal day for a c-section, as it's not in the middle of the week or on a weekend.

I went into labor with Harper at 38.5 weeks, so we'll see what kind of excitement this pregnancy brings.  Although my doc wants me to have a c-section, I am not required to have one.  As long as I go into labor on my own before the 17th and no complications arise, I'm okay to deliver vaginally.  So, we'll see.  I have my reservations about both routes of delivery.  (Post about this in the future)

And here's Adam's excitement ~ IF I have to have another c-section, Adam gets to cut the cord!  Sounds cheesy, I know - but he didn't get to do that with Harper and he was really bummed about it.  It must be a sentimental father thing that daddy's look forward to doing.  He asked our doctor about it at our last appointment and he said it'd be no problem.  This news really made Adam excited ~ which of course makes me emotional that cutting the cord means so much to him.

Hurry Up, June!!!!

PS - Sorry for all the pregnancy-related posts, but there's really not anything else blog-worthy going on in our lives right now.  It's nearing the end of winter, which is always long and boring.  

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