
Graduation #2

Three weeks ago I 'graduated' from Iowa Central Community College with my associates degree in nursing. I saw 'graduated' because I still have 3 weeks of class and clinicals left.  My coursework in nursing is complete, however, this last 6-week class consists of learning how to lead a group of nurses, studying for the boards, making a resume & portfolio, studying for the boards, and studying for the boards!  We were able to chose where we would like to complete our last 120 hrs of clinical and I chose......the ER.  I chose the ER out of pure FEAR!  I always declined going to the ER when given the chance.  I was/am afraid of the unknown, the pressure, and the extremely fast pace.  However, now that I have complete 2 weeks in the ER, it's not so bad.  I have learned A LOT!  Which is exactly why I chose to do my last rotation in the ER.

Degree #2
There is NO way I would have been able to get through nursing school without the help of my husband!  Thank you for putting up with me & supporting me the past 2 years!

My parents - more members of my support team!

THANK YOU to my family that was able to make the ceremony.  I appreciate your support - from near and far!!!



Being a parent is hard work.

It is tiring.

It is expensive.

It is scary.

It is frustrating.

It is never-ending........


Parenting is also rewarding




and joyous.

Sometimes I forget how important my parenting role is to Harper.  What I mean is that I sometimes forget that she DEPENDS on Adam & I.    We are her EVERYTHING.

For example, the fire sirens went off the other night after I put Harper to bed.  For whatever reason, Harper is not a fan of the fire whistle.  She started crying up in her room.  So I layed in bed with her until the sirens ended.  She immediately stopped crying & snuggled close with me.  I was instantly reminded that my presence comforts her.  I am the one who makes her feel safe.  

I can remember from my childhood laying on the floor in my parents' room a few times during storms because it made me feel 'safe.'  It is hard to believe that now I am responsible for creating these same feelings for my own child.

Being a parent is so awesome!        


More Funnies

This is too good not to share.......

{The only background info that you need to know for this story is that I gave Harper a bath tonight}

As I was tucking my sweet little girl in to bed tonight, she let out a fart.  A long one.  A really long one.

To which she replies, "I'm going to need another bath now!"

I almost peed my pants from laughing so hard!  She thought she was pretty funny too, as she giggled right along with me :)

The things Harper picks up from her FATHER!



I finally took the plunge this week and joined the Zumba class here in Clarion.  One of my friends teaches the class and has been trying to get me to join for awhile now.  It has become a hit in Clarion and "everyone is doing it."  This past weekend I was uptown for a going away party and all of the 'Zumba girls' were out on the dance floor performing their Zumba routines.  It looked like a lot of fun so I promised myself that I would attend the next Zumba class.  One time is all I needed to get me hooked.  It is a BLAST!  The music is awesome and the atmosphere is energized.  Zumba definitely gets your heart pumping and even leaves you out of breath at times.  EVERYONE is dripping in sweat by the end of the hour.  I was nervous that I wouldn't be able to catch on to the routines and that I would feel stupid, which was not the case at all.  Zumba is basically a dance version of step aerobics, meaning that you repeat the routine/steps over and over; very easy to catch on to.  And I do not feel embarrassed at all; I stand near the back!  Plus, people of all ages are there - 60+ even!

Harper went with me on the first night and like it too!  She even danced a little bit :)  When we were driving home she said, "Mommy turn around and lets go back to the dance party."  If you have a Zumba class near you, give it a try.  It's so much fun!

The video below is my favorite dance routine/song so far.


Life Lessons on Drinking Beer

While driving back to Clarion this weekend, Harper saw me take a drink out of my can of POP.  She instantly asked, "Why are you drinking a beer, mommy?"  {Which is odd because I don't think I've ever drank a beer in front of her, she must be watching her daddy ;)}  I informed her that it was pop and and I taught her at the ripe old age of 2 why a person can't drink a beer and drive :)  Harper then decided to put her own little spin on the rules of drinking beer and said that "only boys can drink beer, not girls."
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