
Thank You

I know I'm a day late, but Happy Veteran's Day to all those who have served the good ole' US of A!

There really are no words that even come close to the thanks and respect I have for the men and women who have served and protected our nation. So I will keep it short and simple and say "Thank You!"

As I was at the store yesterday, I noticed an old man proudly donning his VFW cap and it brought a smile to my face. I planned on thanking him for his service but Harper had other plans. Veterans should feel very proud of their dedication to the US and should show their military pride everyday. And WE should thank them everyday, not just on Veteran's Day or Memorial Day. I thank a Vet every chance I get - whether I'm passing by a Humvee on the interstate or I see a man/woman in their BDU's out in public, I show my respect.

This is one of my favorite commercials of all time! Remember - Veteran's should be thanked everyday, not just one day out of the year!

A special thank you to my favorite vet, my husband! I am so proud of you and honored to be your wife! I love you!

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