I have a confession to make.....I am not ready to potty train Harper. Emotionally or physically. Potty training is not an easy task, especially if your child is not ready. Yesterday I decided that I would give potty training a shot. Harper had 2 accidents in the first two hours and that was enough for me. I know I shouldn't have given up on her so quickly, but she clearly isn't as ready as I thought. After her first accident, it did not bother her one bit to be walking around in wet underwear. And as we were practicing sitting on the potty/trying to pee, she thought it was a game. Harper would sit down for a few seconds and then run off, sometimes taking the chair with her. So after her 2
nd accident, I strapped a diaper back on her and she didn't care one bit. Like I said
previously, I probably should have given it more (way more) time. However, I don't think I'm emotionally ready for her to 'grow up.' Last month I read a
blog about enjoying your baby as is...quit trying to make them grow up faster than they already do, and enjoying each new milestone. I learned that I need to make the most of each and every day with Harper. We will never get these sweet and precious moments back. For example, I need to enjoy the fact that Harper cannot keep applesauce on her spoon to save her life, instead of critiquing her spoon handling skills. Sure, I am Harper's teacher, I am responsible for her learning, but I want HARPER to be the one to do the exploring and learning. I
don't' want to force anything upon Harper that she is not ready for. Therefor, I am going to hold off on the potty training. She will let me know when
she is ready, not when
mommy is ready.
Actually, mommy isn't ready either. Physically, I can see how
exhausting it is to potty train a toddler. Honestly, I'm feeling a little lazy and I'm not looking forward to putting in the work that goes along with potty training. Really, what parent looks forward to chasing around their toddler and taking them to the potty every 30 minutes?!?! If you find someone that does enjoy this, please send them to my house in about 6 months! I'm hoping that by 2 1/2 Harper will be ready!
PS - Harper turns 2 in six weeks. How is that possible?!?!